Version 1.0
The Attrasoft
ImageCounter software is a customized
counting software, which counts the number of objects in an image.
Attrasoft, Inc.
P. O. Box 13051
Savannah, GA, 31406
The deliverable is either a zip file on a CD or downloaded from a web address. To install the software:
· Unzip CD:\ to a folder;
· Click “ImageCounter.exe” in the folder to run.
The software requires an updated Windows to run.
The Attrasoft program that you purchased is copyrighted by Attrasoft, and your rights of ownership are subject to the limitations and restrictions imposed by the copyright laws outlined below.
It is against the law to copy, reproduce or transmit (including, without limitation, electronic transmission over any network) any part of the program except as permitted by the copyright act of the United States (title 17, United States code). However, you are permitted by law to write the contents of the program into the Machine memory of your computer so that the program may be executed. You are also permitted by law to make a back-up copy of the program subject to the following restrictions:
· Each back-up copy must be treated in the same way as the original copy purchased from Attrasoft;
· No copy (original, or back-up) may be used while another copy, (original, or back-up) is in use;
· If you ever sell or give away the original copy of the program, all back-up copies must also be given to the same person, or destroyed.
In addition, this software is for the personal use only. This is defined as follows:
cannot sell a service based any computation results produced by this software.
o You must purchase a separate annual license for commercial use from Attrasoft.
cannot use the software to perform work for which you will get paid for.
o You must purchase a separate annual license for business use from Attrasoft.
cannot build software on top of this software.
o You must purchase a separate annual license for redistribution from Attrasoft.
This User’s Guide and Reference Manual is copyrighted by Attrasoft.
© Attrasoft 2016
of Copyright Restriction
How to Use Attrasoft ImageCounter
Get Sample Images for Customization
The Attrasoft ImageCounter software is a customized counting software. Attrasoft ImageCounter software counts the number of objects in an image. It does not matter what you want to count.
The software requires minor parameter tweaking and customization to adjust for different types of objects to be counted.
After tweaking, operating the software only has two steps: select an image and count.
Figure 1.1 Attrasoft ImageCounter.
The software requires the following to run:
· Microsoft Windows;
· Windows .Net Framework.
The Attrasoft
ImageCounter software is a customized counting software that requires setting up; i.e. different types of objects
require different settings.
Setting up the software follows a fixed process. This is done only by
Attrasoft employees with sample images.
Before you order a customized ImageCounter,
please provide Attrasoft enough sample images to setting up the software.
1. Click the "File" button to select an image.
2. Click the "Count Image" button to count the objects inside the image.
Figure 2.1 Testing images. Figure
2.2 Select an image in the ImageCounter software. Figure 2.3. Counting results; the pop-up box indicates the
number of objects. Figure 2.4 Location of a object (see red box in the Results textbox). Accurate
counting of objects and their location can be done in the Attrasoft ImageCounter. Figure 2.1 is a set of sample images to be counted. The ImageCounter
software operates with a certain pixel width and height. Although these
parameters can be adjusted, they need to be fixed at certain values before the
software is delivered. The single image counting has two buttons
(Figure 2.2): File Button Clicking the “File” button
will select an image to be counted; the image will be shown in Picture
Box 1. Picture Box 2 is for selecting a folder of images.
Picture Box 3 shows how the ImageCounter software
will see the objects and their location, see Figure
2.2. You can also drag & drop an image into the first text box. Count
Image Button Clicking
the “Count Image” button will count objects in the selected image, and the
counting results will be shown in the pop-up box indicating the number of objects,
see Figure 2.3 The output format is: Image
Count Message Box, (ID, Path, Name),
Score, (x, y, w,
h), Image Count. Where Image Count Message Box shows the
number of objects (Figure 2.3); (ID, Path, Name) shows ID, image
path, and image name of the image; Score gives the confidence score of
this counting (0 to 100); (x, y, w,
h) is the box that covers the object (Figure 2.4); Image Count will be listed again at
the end of the text area. Figures 2.3
and 2.4 will also show that all objects are counted. The ID’s are randomly
assigned. The Path column gives image paths. The Name column gives the image
names. (x, y, w, h) specifies the box covering the object.
The output is sorted according to the confidence score, the 4th
column. At the end is the image count; in the sample below, the count is 15. A sample output is: ID Name Path Score X Y W H 0 0001.jpg C:\countEx\imageCounter\example1\ 99 148 34 32 60 1 0001.jpg C:\countEx\imageCounter\example1\ 99 94 135 22 41 3 0001.jpg C:\countEx\imageCounter\example1\ 98 87 49 17 31 4 0001.jpg C:\countEx\imageCounter\example1\ 97 112 146 27 44 5 0001.jpg C:\countEx\imageCounter\example1\ 96 141 87 26 47 6 0001.jpg C:\countEx\imageCounter\example1\ 95 56 81 26 35 7 0001.jpg C:\countEx\imageCounter\example1\ 92 34 71 24 52 8 0001.jpg C:\countEx\imageCounter\example1\ 91 98 3 25 40 25 0001.jpg C:\countEx\imageCounter\example1\ 77 50 31 23 37 27 0001.jpg C:\countEx\imageCounter\example1\ 76 119 49 25 38 32 0001.jpg C:\countEx\imageCounter\example1\ 75 97 88 26 44 67 0001.jpg C:\countEx\imageCounter\example1\ 70 54 151 25 41 79 0001.jpg C:\countEx\imageCounter\example1\ 69 41 116 22 38 172 0001.jpg C:\countEx\imageCounter\example1\ 63 72 1 24 37 296 0001.jpg C:\countEx\imageCounter\example1\ 50 71 110 27 44 Count =
15! Under
the “Result” picture box, there are three buttons, F, >, and < buttons.
They are First, Next, and Previous Button. Use the F, >, and < buttons in
Figure 2.4 to see the locations of matched objects. The “F” button goes to the
first object; the “>” button goes to the next object; and the “<” goes to
the previous object. Clicking the “Results”
button in Figure 2.4 will repeat the computation results. The Folder count process is: 1.
Click the "Folder" button to select a folder of images. 2.
Click the "Count Folder" button to count objects inside the images in
the folder. The output format is similar to the last section. The folder counting has two buttons (Figure 2.2): Folder Button Clicking the “Folder” button will select a folder of images to be counted;
the images will be shown in Picture Box 2. Count Image Button Clicking the “Count Image” button
will count the objects in the selected folder. The counting results are similar
to Figure 2.3. Picture Box 3 will show how the ImageCounter software will see the objects and their location for each image in the
selected folder. Under the “Folder” picture box, there
are three buttons, F, >, and < buttons. They are First, Next, previous
Button. Use the F, >, and < buttons in Figure 2.4 to see images in the
selected folder. The “F” button goes to the first image; the “>” button goes
to the next image; and the “<” goes to the previous image. For technical support, contact: Attrasoft P.
O. Box 13051 Savannah,
GA. 31406 USA
Phone: (912) 484-1717
2.3 Folder Count
3. Information and Support