4. Building a Simple ABM 2.7
4.1   Creating A Form
4.2   Training File Assignment
4.3   Recognition and Output File Assignment
4.4   Distribution and Classification
4.5   Test Run

4. Building a Simple ABM 2.7

In this chapter, we will create a simple version of ABM 2.7. We assume the users are familiar with Attrasoft software, ABM 2.7; otherwise, you should start with ABM 2.7. The program will only solve the shifter problem (See ABM 2.7).

The minimum requirements for a pattern recognition problem are:

The chapter project is in C:\polyapplet63\chap4\.

4.1   Creating A Form

To create a new project:

1. Start the Visual Studio .Net, (see Figure 4.1).
2. Click File è New è Project command. The New Project dialog box is displayed (Figure 4.2).
3. Highlight the Visual C# project folder in the Project Type list to display the Templates that are available for C#. Then, highlight Windows Application Template.
4. Enter a name for the project and select the location for the project. A folder with the same name as the project is automatically added to the location you specify.
5. Click the OK button to start the new project (Figure 4.3).

Figure 4.1  Starting .Net.

Figure 4.2  Selecting Project Type and Template.

Figure 4.3   Creating a form.

4.2   Training File Assignment

The first step is to link data files to the project. In this section, we will link the training file. This will take several steps:

1. Add a Label, Label1: Go to the Property Window; and change the property, Label1.Text, to "Chap 4   Example";

2. Add the following 3 objects to the form:

Control         Object          Description
Button          button1           click to start an open-file-dialog
TextBox       textBox1         training file name
Button          button2           open training file

Go to the Property Window and set:

Object.Property               Value
button1.Text                   "Train"
textBox1.Text                 "Training File Name"
button2.Text                    "Open"
label1.Text                      “Chap 4 example”

3. Run the program and you will see Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4  The form after 3 steps.

4. To add an OpenFileDialog, select it from the tool box.

To open the dialog box, click button1 to add:

 if ( openFileDialog1.ShowDialog () != DialogResult.OK )
 textBox1.Text =  openFileDialog1.FileName  ;

Now click textBox1, and add:

private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
  x.setTrainFile (textBox1.Text);

This will link the selected file to object, x. Run the program again; the button1 is fully operational now. Next we will implement the Open button, which will open the training file. To do this, you must load Attrasoft PolyApplet now.

5. Add RichTextBox:
The RichTextBox will be required by the PolyApplet, so we will add it now:

 Click “RichTextBox” from Toolbox;

6. Load PolyApplet Class Library:
To use the class library, Attrasoft.PolyApplet63:

(1) Add a “using” statement:
using Attrasoft.PolyApplet63;

(2) In the Solution Explorer, right click References and select Add Reference.
(3) Use the Browse button to find PolyApplet63.dll; Highlight the library under “Selected Components:” and click the OK button.
(4) Run the project.

Now class library, Attrasoft.PolyApplet63, is ready to be used.

7. Add PolyApplet Object to your project:
 First we declare the object,
 public Attrasoft.PolyApplet63.PolyApplet63 x;
Add the following to create the object, x:
public Form1()
  x = new PolyApplet63 (richTextBox1 );
Now we will link the training file, selected by the open file dialog, to the PolyApplet.

8. Open button: this button will open the training file. Double click the Open button; and add the following code:

private void button2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
  x.openTrainFile ();
Now we have completed the work for the training file. The default folder is:
This folder has the following files:
If you use a different folder, copy the following file from CD:\transapplet63\chap4\bin\Debug\ to your project directory. Run the program, and Figure 4.5 will appear.

Figure 4.5  This is the form after completing the training file link.

Click the "Train" button on Figure 4.5, and Figure 4.6 will appear.

Figure 4.6  Click the "Train" button.

Double click file, " C:\polyapplet63\chap4\bin\Debug\example1a.txt", in Figure 4.6 to select it; and  click the “Open” button in Figure 4.5 to see the file in Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.7  Click the "Open" button.

4.3   Recognition and Output File Assignment

Now we will link the recognition and output files.

Add the following 6 objects to the form:

Control              Object              Description
Button               button3              click to start an open file dialog for the recognition file
TextBox            textBox2            recognition file name
Button               button4              open recognition file

Button               button5              click to start an open file dialog for the output file
Text                  texdtBox3          output file name
Button               button6              open output file

Go to the Property Window and set:

Object.Property              Value
button3.Text                   "Recognition"
textBox2.Text                 "Recognition File Name"
button4.Text                    "Open"
button5.Text                    "Output"
textBox3.Text                  "Output File Name"
button6.Text                     "Open"

Now enter the following code with the proper objects:

private void button3_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
 if ( openFileDialog1.ShowDialog () != DialogResult.OK )
 textBox2.Text =  openFileDialog1.FileName  ;

private void button5_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
 if ( openFileDialog1.ShowDialog () != DialogResult.OK )
 textBox3.Text =  openFileDialog1.FileName  ;

private void button4_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

private void button6_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
 x.openOutputFile ();

private void textBox2_TextChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
 x.setRecognitionFile  (textBox2.Text);

private void textBox3_TextChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
 x.setOutputFile  (textBox3.Text);

Run the program, and Figure 4.8 will appear.

Figure 4.8  This is the form after completing the three file links.

4.4   Distribution and Classification

Before you can run your neural net, you have to set up the net, which includes three steps:

We will deal with these two topics in the next chapter. In this chapter, we will limit our problem to the shifter problem. The shifter problem (See ABM 2.7) can shift a pattern to the left, to the right, or no shift. Here are several examples:
010                 010001000001000
001                 011000100000000
010                 000010111010000
The recognition file will look like this:
xxx                 000000010000100
xxx                 000000101001000
xxx                 000010001001001
The number of neurons is 33 in this case. This number is in the training file so it will be done automatically.

To set up the symmetry, call the function, setSymDimension (3, 32, 30, -1), meaning,

 Symmetry starts at             3
 Symmetry ends at             32
 x-dimension is                   30
 y-dimension is                    -1
and call setSymmetry (1), meaning 1-D Translation symmetry.

To set up the line breakers, call setLineBreaker (3, 18, -2, -2 ), meaning the output will be in three lines:

000010111010000  (line 2 starts at 3)
000010111010000  (line 3 starts at 18)
Now let us add two commands to the project.

1. Add 2 buttons:

Class        Object           Description
Button       button7          Hopfield Model
Button       button8          Boltzmann Machine
2. Go to the Property Window and set:
 Object.Property            Value
button7.Text                  "Classification"
button8.Text                  "Distribution"
3. Double click the buttons and enter the code:

private void button7_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

 richTextBox1.Text = "";
 x.setSymDimension(3, 32, 30, -1);
 x.setSymmetry (1);
 x.setLineBreaker(3, 18, -2, -2);

 if ( ! x.classification () )
 richTextBox1.AppendText ( "Classification fails!\n");
            x.openOutputFile ();

private void button8_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

 richTextBox1.Text = "";
 x.setSymDimension(3, 32, 30, -1);
 x.setSymmetry (1);
 x.setLineBreaker(3, 18, -2, -2);

 if ( ! x.distribution  () )
 richTextBox1.AppendText ( "Classification fails!\n");
 x.openOutputFile ();

Now the job is complete for the Shifter problem.

4.5   Test Run

To test:

1. Run the program, and Figure 4.9 will appear:

Figure 4.9  A simple ABM 2.7.

2. Training file: the default training file is “.\example1a.txt", where “.\” is chap4.exe directory (“C:\polyapplet63\chap4\bin\Debug\”). Click the "Open" button to make sure ".\example1a.txt" is the training file for the shifter problem.

3. Recognition file: the default recognition file is ".\example1b.txt". Click the "Open" button to make sure ".\example1b.txt" is the recognition  file for the shifter problem.

4. Output file: the default output file is ".\example1c.doc”.

5. Run: click the "Classification" button to complete the neural computation. To see the results, click the "Open" (output file) button and you will get:

                         000000100001000     2048     1

                         000000101001000     1216     1
