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1. Introduction
1.1 Why Prediction
1.2 Why Attrasoft PredictorPro
1.3 How to Operate Attrasoft
1.4 Phase 1: Data Set
and Data Collection
1.4.1 Data Set
1.4.2 Data Collection
1.4.3 Preprocessing
1.5 Phase 2: Operate PredictorPro
1.6 PredictorPro's Sister
1.7 PredictorPro's Version
1. Introduction
1.1 Why Prediction
Making decisions based on your projection of the future events is a
way of life.
Assume you run a coffee shop and your raw material is coffee. If you
project the coffee price is going significantly higher, then you probably
will keep the coffee inventory as high as possible. If you project the
coffee price is going significantly lower, then you probably will keep
the coffee inventory as low as possible. How do you make this kind
of projection? Most likely you will make a prediction based on your historical
If your decision is whether to make an investment to build a $100
million factory, you'd better be sure that your projection will be right.
In particular, you should keep your emotions out of the decision process.
In general, a decision is made based on several factors. Some
of them can be measured and have a historical track record. Many corporations
already have their database in place, which contains years of historical
data. It is often overwhelming because of the sheer volume to mine the
data for the purpose of strategic thinking.
This is where software can help you to predict these factors based
on your historical database. The software can learn years of experience
from your database and use the knowledge to tell you what will happen if
this were in the past. This provides you with a baseline for your decision
making process. The software can learn years of experiences in seconds
and is ready to serve you as if it is one of your staff.
1.2 Why Attrasoft PredictorPro
Attrasoft PredictorPro is a fast terabyte data processing
tool for your database. It uses a sequence of numbers to predict the
next row of numbers in line. It uses historical data to predict future
possibilities. It does not matter what you want to predict.
90% of the work in using the PredictorPro is preparing your database
containing your historical data. (Many corporations already have their
database in place, which contains years of historical data.) The remaining
10% of the work is to operate the PredictorPro (two clicks). The
is especially good if you have a terabyte or gigabyte database because
of its accuracy and speed.
The advantages of the Attrasoft PredictorPro are:
The PredictorPro is universal: it does not matter what you want
to predict.
The PredictorPro is one of a kind: it is designed to handle terabyte
and gigabyte databases (No other database companies, however big, have
such ability);
The PredictorPro is fast: it is designed to handle such huge volumes
of data in a way that you can make decisions instantaneously.
The PredictorPro is very simple to operate: your business database
is 90% of the work required to use the PredictorPro. If you already
have the data, then 90% of the work is done. 2 clicks are all that is required
for the PredictorPro to present you with a set of rated possibilities
based on your historical database.
Figure 1. Attrasoft PredictorPro.
Once your data is prepared correctly, the PredictorPro is able
to provide you with rated predictions on any subject or any problem. Attrasoft
Predict Stock Market
Predict earnings and revenue of a company
Predict short term and long term interest rates
Predict commodity (gold, oil, corn,...) prices
Predict regional/worldwide price fluctuations for a particular merchandise
Predict various indicators/indexes of the economy for strategic thinking
and policy issues
Predict Dynamic Systems, Markov Chains
Predict system failure probabilities
Predict other complex systems
How to Operate Attrasoft PredictorPro
The Attrasoft PredictorPro makes patterns out of complicated
problems. The PredictorPro is based on the neural network technology
developed at Attrasoft. A neural net learns from past experience; this
makes the neural software operation different from other software: you
have to train the software first. You have to teach the PredictorPro
by showing it your historical data.
The operation has two phases:
Your raw data -- 90% of the work
Set up a data set (a set of variables that describes your problem)
Collect data
Preprocessing if necessary
Using the PredictorPro -- 10% of the work
Prepare input file
Link this input file to the PredictorPro
In section 1, we discussed two examples, coffee and factory, that
require a prediction of the near future. To show you how to use the PredictorPro,
we, however, will not go into "very complicated" problems like a business
decision of whether to build a factory or not. We will concentrate on "very
simple" problems where the fruit of the prediction is immediate: like the
stock prediction. The decisions are very simple:
If a stock is predicted to go up, then buy low and sell high;
If you have to pick up several stocks among a basket of stocks, then
evaluate their relative strength and buy the best-projected performers.
1.4 Phase
1: Data Set and Data Collection
If you want the software for predictions, chances are you already have
decided the "data set" and have collected volumes of data. This will make
using the PredictorPro very simple.
1.4.1 Data Set
Let us start from the beginning:
a "data set" is a set of relevant factors related to your prediction
Throughout this menu, we will use the stock market as an example.
What are the factors for the stock market? i.e. what is a data set for
a stock? There are hundreds of them:
Interest Rates
Short term: 3-month US Treasury Bills
Intermediate term: 5-year US Treasury Bills
Long term: 30-year US Treasury Bills
Inflation rate
Consumer Price Index
Producer Price Index
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Growth Rates
Leading Economic Indicators, a key measure of future economy activity
National Association of Purchasing Management Index
Stock Market
Dow Jones Industrial Average (large)
NASDAQ Composite (technology)
S&P 500
Russell 2000 (small)
New highs/new lows
Stock value
PE-ratio (Earnings should not be used because of the discontinuity: it
changes once every 3 months)
200-day Moving Averages
100-day Moving Averages
Stock/(100-day Moving Averages) ratio
Section Indicator (for Example, phil.semecond.index)
PR ratio (Price/Revenue, revenue should not be used because of the discontinuity:
it changes once every 3 months)
Sentiment index
Which foot ball team wins
An example of a data set for Intel stock is:
3-month US Treasury Bills
30-year US Treasury Bills
Consumer Price Index
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Growth Rates
Dow Jones Industrial Average
NASDAQ Composite
Intel Stock value
1.4.2 Data Collection
Once a data set is chosen, the next task is to collect data. For the
stock market, data can be collected free from the Internet. We will postpone
this topic to chapter 5.
1.4.3 Preprocessing
Sometimes, the data has noise (statistical fluctuation). The noise can
be removed by preprocessing; for example, using the 100-day moving average
of a stock instead of the stock directly. Calculating the moving average
of a stock from the stock data can be done within seconds with only a few
clicks. Again, we will postpone detailed discussion of this topic to chapter
1.5 Phase 2: Operate
The software is a black box. Operating the PredictorPro
has three steps:
Prepare input file (put all your historical data into 1 file);
Link the file to the black box; and
Once your historical data is all in one file (step 1), this file
is linked into the black box for training (step 2). In English, this
means the PredictorPro is learning your problem, experience, and
values of your problem, starting from an empty but very smart brain.
After that, the neural network black box is ready to make a prediction
by clicking one command (step 3).
The Attrasoft neural network is based on the so-called Boltzmann machine
neural network; this special type of neural network will predict a distribution,
which is a set of rated possibilities. (This is similar to the Internet
search engine: when you use an Internet search engine, you will get a set
of rated possibilities.)
1.6 PredictorPro's
The PredictorPro predicts downward into the future. If you want
to predict to the right, you need to use the PredictorPro's sister:
Attrasoft DecisionMaker can:
Decide whether to grant a loan to a customer, student *, ...
Decide whether to hire a person or not
Decide whether a patient has cancer *, heart disease *, thyroid disease
*, ...., or not
Decide how likely a patient is going to get cancer, heart disease *...
Decide the classification of a virus/bacteria within a group of virus/bacteria
*, ...
Decide how much a house *, a car *, a boat, ... , is worth
Decide whether your supervisors evaluate your employees fairly
Decide whether your system (electronics systems, computer network, retail
store, sexual harassment situation) is healthy
Decide regional supermarket price predictability based on accumulated database,
Decide which career a child should choose
Decide the outcome of a random event, like a horse race, ...
Decide the reliability of a system, like computer network, airplane, tank,
Identify an item in Forensic Science *, ...
1.7 PredictorPro's
The PredictorPro has several versions:
100K version 100,000
250K version 250,000
1M version
Other customized versions
$999 or up
Consulting fee:
Free customer support covers how to operate your PredictorPro.
If you need help on how to encode your problem, how to choose a data
set, how to convert string data to numerical data, how to handle missing
data, ..., the consulting fees are:
$250 per problem if the problem has 1,000 rows or less;
$500 per problem if the problem has 1,001-10,000 rows or less;
$1,000 per problem if the problem has more than 10,000 rows.
Online Order/Online Fax order:
Attrasoft PredictorPro for Windows
Version 2.8 ($494.99 + $5 US Shipping and Handling)
Mail Order: 499.99 (S&H included)
Attrasoft, Attn.: Gina
P. O. Box 13051
Savannah, GA. 31406, USA
Send questions or comments to:
or contact us at:
O. Box 13051, Savannah, GA. 31406, USA
Copyright © 2001
Attrasoft, Inc. All rights reserved. |