

PredictorPro for Windows

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6. Other Examples 

6.1 Lottery 
6.2 A simple Dynamic System 
6.3 A simple Markov Chain 
6.4 Attrasoft Dow 5 
6.4.1 Attrasoft Dow 5: Game Rules 
6.4.2 Game data 
6.4.3 Results 

6. Other Examples

 Attrasoft PredictorPro is a universal PredictorPro, which can be applied to any prediction problem. The PredictorPro reads a sequence of numbers and predicts the distribution for the next row of numbers in line. 

6.1 Lottery

Lottery numbers are random numbers and therefore they are unpredictable. The problem most people have is they do not know what to pick. The PredictorPro can help. 

Let use 3-digit lottery as an example. Let the 3 digits be (x, y, z). You can build 7 files for

Predicting x;
Predicting y;
Predicting z;
Predicting xy;
Predicting xz;
Predicting yz;
Predicting xyz.

Use the directory input, a single operation will predict all 7 files. Find the output with the highest weight, say (x1, y1, z1), then (x1, y1, z1) will be the PredictorPro’s pick.

To increase the chance, pick up 3 numbers for x: x1-1, x1, x1+1; pick up 3 numbers for y: y1-1, y1, y1+1; and pick up 3 numbers for z: z1-1, z1, z1+1. Have fun!

Clicking “Example/Cask 3, Batch” command will generate the lottery example. You must be in the home directory to run this example. If you are not in the home directory, close and restart the PredictorPro. The parameters are: Trend = 4, Precision = 10, Command = 10 = "Integer\+ Linear". 

Click "Batch\Run" to get the results. This batch file uses the “Integer/+ Linear” command. The results are:

File          Results  Confidence
X            1             660
Y            8             516
Z             0, 4         64
XY          3  0         360 
XZ          1  0          256 
YZ          No results
XYZ       No results

Use the “Integer/- Linear” command, and you will get

File          Results  Confidence
X            1             1280
Y            2,7          16
Z            4              528
XY         3  2          28
XZ          No results 
YZ          No results
XYZ       No results

Assume the minimum confidence number is 100, then the Predictor picks 184. The winning number on that day is 645.

6.2 A simple Dynamic System

  Let a system be defined by a triplet (x, y, z) which obeys:

        x (n+1) = ( x (n) + y(n) + z(n)  ) Mod 7; 
         y (n+1) =  x ( n ); 
         z  (n+1 ) = y ( n) Mod 5; 

This is a finite dynamic system. The domains are: 

         x in { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; 
          y in { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; 
          z in { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }. 

The possible states are 000, 001, . . ., 100, 101, . . . , 775.

Assume initially that (x, y, z) is in state (1 0 0), then it will generate the following sequence by a computer simulation: 

1  0  0
1  1  0
2  1  1
4  2  1
0  4  2
6  0  4
3  6  0
2  3  1
6  2  3
4  6  2
5  4  1
3  5  4
5  3  0
1  5  3
2  1  0
3  2  1
6  3  2
4  6  3
6  4  1
4  6  4
0  4  1
5  0  4
2  5  0
0  2  0
2  0  2
4  2  0
6  4  2
5  6  4
1  5  1
0  1  0
1  0  1
2  1  0
3  2  1
6  3  2
4  6  3
6  4  1
4  6  4
0  4  1
5  0  4
2  5  0
0  2  0
2  0  2
4  2  0
6  4  2
5  6  4
1  5  1
0  1  0
1  0  1
2  1  0
3  2  1
6  3  2
4  6  3
6  4  1
4  6  4
0  4  1
5  0  4
2  5  0
0  2  0
2  0  2
4  2  0
6  4  2
5  6  4
1  5  1
0  1  0
1  0  1
2  1  0
3  2  1
6  3  2
4  6  3
6 4 1

The next row is 4 6 4. 

Step 1. Data and Input File;

The data set is {x, y, z}. The input Data file is math1a.txt, which contains the above. The file is in the software.
Step 2. Link the data;
To generate data from software, click: “File/Open” to open "math1a.txt".
Step 3: Running 
Click: "10-Average/+ Integer Linear", this click produces the output data file, which will be opened at this point. It looks like this:
4  6  4  384000 
0  4  1  384000 
5  0  4  384000 
2  5  0  384000 
0  2  0  384000 
2  0  2  384000 
4  2  0  384000 
6  4  2  384000 
5  6  4  384000 
1  5  1  384000

In the output data file, the first line is 4  6  4, 38400. 464 is the next row predicted, and 38,400 is the confidence number of 464. The larger the confidence number is, the more reliable the prediction is. This is the correct answer. 

The command predicts next 10 rows. In this case, they are all correct.

6.3 A simple Markov Chain

  Let a system be defined by  ( x, y, z , s, t), which obeys the following rule:

        x (n+1) = ( x (n) + y(n) + z(n)  ) Mod 7; 
         y (n+1) =  x ( n ); 
         z  (n+1 ) = y ( n) Mod 5;             60%
         z  (n+1 ) = ( y ( n)+ 1 ) Mod 5;   40% 
         s  (n+1 ) = ( s(n) + 1 ) Mod 5;    60% 
         s  (n+1 ) = ( s(n) + 2 ) Mod 5;    40% 
         t  (n+1 ) = s ( n) Mod 3. 

This is a Markov chain. Each state can go to one of 4 different states with the probability: 36%, 24%, 24%, and 16%. The possible domains are: 

          x in { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; 
          y in { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; 
          z in { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }; 
          s in { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }; 
          t in { 0, 1, 2 }. 

The possible states are 00000, 00001, . . ., 10000, 10001, . . . , 77553. A computer simulates this Markov chain 20,000 times and the following data is generated:

1  0  0   0   0
1  1  0   1   0
2  1  2   3   1
5  2  1   0   0
1  5  3   2   0
2  1  0   4   2
3  2  2   1   1
0  3  3   2   1
6  0  4   4   2
3  6  0   1   1
2  3  1   2   1
6  2  3   3   2
4  6  2   0   0
5  4  1   1   0
3  5  4   2   1
5  3  0   3   2
1  5  4   0   0
3  1  0   2   0
4  3  2   4   2
2  4  3   0   1
2  2  0   1   0
4  2  2   2   1
1  4  2   3   2
0  1  4   4   0
5  0  1   0   1
6  5  0   1   0
4  6  0   3   1
The next configuration generated by the computer is (6  6  1   0   1). Of course, any one out of 4 possibilities are correct. The data set is {x, y, z, s, t}, i.e. five variables. You can complete this problem in a similar way as the last example:
  • The data file is "math2a.txt"; click “File/Open” to open and link to the file;
  • To run, click "Integer/ +Linear".

The result is a distribution:

Possibility          Confidence*Probability 
1  3  0  2  0       443
6  3  2  1  1       139
3  4  0  0  1       405
0  3  4  1  0       500
6  6  1  0  1       4000
6  6  1  1  0       42000
2  5  4  0  1       101
5  1  3  1  1       367
4  2  2  0  1       44
3  0  3  1  1       481
6  5  1  0  1       253
2  4  0  0  1       24000
2  4  1  0  1       12000
0  2  4  1  0       481
4  5  2  0  1       750
2  4  1  1  0       2500
6  2  4  2  0       310
5  6  1  0  1       424
5  3  1  2  0       120
6  6  2  2  0       5000
1  1  0  0  1       101
6  2  0  1  0       44
4  1  3  2  0       291
0  6  1  2  0       215
Weighted Average
4  5  1  1  0 
Highest Probability
6  6  1  1  0  42000
Error of each number
0.33  0.33  0.22  0.22  0.11

The most likely possibility is ( 6, 6, 1, 1, 0). This is very close to the computer-simulated result, ( 6, 6, 1, 0, 1). Ignoring everything below 1000, the probability of the above configuration is roughly: 

42000/(4000+42000+24000+12000+2500+5000) = 47%.

The confidence of this prediction is 42,000. 

6.4 Attrasoft Dow 5

Attrasoft Dow 5 is very similar to the Dogs of the Dow. The Dogs of the Dow is a stock picking system that has been reported on periodically in the popular press. Attrasoft Dow 5 uses Attrasoft Predictor to pick up 5 "top" stocks among the 30 Dow stocks. Basically, you hold the Attrasoft Dow 5 for a 6-months period. At the end of the period, you pick up the new Attrasoft Dow 5. 

To predict a stock trend with the Attrasoft Predictor, you will need a "Model" and data. A model is a set of relevant variables. The data is the historical values of the chosen variables. The Attrasoft Dow 5 uses the simplest model: to predict a stock, there is only one variable in the model, the 5-month moving average of the stock. 

Attrasoft Predictor 2.6, with a Single-Stock-Model, outperforms Dow Jones 30 by a factor of 2 from Feb. 1997 to Jan 30, 2001: 112.4 % vs. 58.15 %. 

6.4.1 Attrasoft Dow 5: Game Rules 


1. You start with $100,000 paper money, which must be equally invested in 5 stocks, from the Dow Jones 30 stocks <> ;
2. You update your Attrasoft Dow 5 once every 6 months.

6.4.2 Game data 

The data is obtained from Microsoft Network:, see the last chapter.

6.4.3 Results 

1. Results From 1/97 to 7/97, UP 23.4 %,

rank     stock         Feb-97     Jul-97         grow rate 
            Dj 30       6877.7       8222.6      19.5545 
            SP 500    790.82        954.31     20.67348 

1          mrk          92.125       103.875     12.75441 
2         AXP         65.625       83.75         27.61905 
3         utx            75.25         84.563       12.37608 
4         uk             47.25         55.375       17.19577 
5         ibm           71.875       105.75       47.13043 

  avg                                                         23.41515 

2. Results From 8/97 to 1/98, Down 2.45%,

rank     stock     Aug-97     Jan-98     grow rate 
          Dj 30      7622.4     7906.5     1.037272 
          SP 500    899.47     980.28     1.089842 

1         xon         61.188     59.313     0.969357 
2         axp         77.75        83.688    1.076373 
3         utx          78.063      81.25      1.040826 
4         ibm         105.75      98.75      0.933806 
5         cat          56             48           0.857143 

  avg                                                  0.975501 

3. Results From 2/98 to 7/98, Up 1.94%,

rank   stock     Feb-98       Jul-98         grow rate 
          Dj 30     8545.72     8883.29     1.039502 
          SP 500  980.28       1120.67     1.143214 

1         Ald         42.563     43.5            1.022014 
2         AA         73.375     69.313        0.944641 
3         Uk          46.438     48               1.033636 
4         Ibm         104.438  132.5           1.268695 
5         Hwp        67           55.5            0.828358 

  Avg                                                     1.019469 

4. Results From 8/98 to 1/99, Up 44.17%,

rank   Stock     Aug-98     Jan-99         grow rate 
          Dj 30     7539.07    9358.83      24.13773 
          SP 500   957.28     1279.64      33.67458 

1         Ko         65.125      65.313      0.288676 
2         Axp       78             102.875     31.89103 
3         Utx        72.563      119.438     64.59904 
4         Ibm        112.625    183.25      62.7081 
5         Hwp      48.563       78.375      61.3883 

  Avg                                                     44.17503 

5. Results From 2/99 to 7/99, up 31.92 %,

rank   Stock     2-1-99     7-30-99     grow rate 
          Dj 30     9345.7     10655.15     14.01 
          SP 500  1273        1328.72        4.3 

1         Axp      100.75     137.288       36.626 
2         Ald       39.125     64.688         65.336 
3         Cat       43.688     58.625         34.19 
4         chv       73.688     91.25           23.83 
5         wmt      42.25       42.25             0 

  avg                                                     31.92 

6. Results From 8/99 to 1/2000, Up 9.17%,

rank   stock       8-2-99         1-31-00     grow rate 
          Dj 30      10645.96     10940.53    2.77% 
          SP 500   1328.05        1394.46     5% 

1         msft        84.914         97.875       1.152 
2         cat          58.563         42.4375     0.725 
3         axp         130.063       164.75       1.267 
4         pg           90.125         100.875     1.119 
5         c             44.125         57              1.229 

  avg                                                         up 9.1% 

7. Results From 2/2000 to 7/2000, down  7.1%,

rank   stock      2-1-99       7-31-00         grow rate 
          Dj 30     11041.05   10521.98      down 4.7% 
          SP 500  1409.28     1430.83         up 1.5 % 

1         axp       56.33         56.6875         1.006 
2         c           58.25         70.5               1.210 
3         hd         62.00         51.75             0.835 
4         aa         36.06         30.25             0.839 
5         dd         59.875       45.31             0.757 

  avg                                                     down 7.1% 

8. Results From 8/2000 to 1/2001, down  5.0%,

rank   stock         7-1-00         1-31-01         grow rate 
          Dj 30         10606.95     10877.36      +  2.5% 
          SP 500      1438.11        1366.01       down 5  % 

1         Msft         68.688         61.06             0.89 
2         Axp         56.938         47.17             0.83 
3         Ibm         110.5            112.0             1.01 
4         Utx          59.25            74.98             1.27 
5         T             31.813          23.99             0.75 

  Avg                                                              down 5 % 

Evaluation: Feb 1997 - Jan 31, 2000 

Predicted Growth 
=  1.234151478 * 0.975501* 1.019468885* 1.441750282 * 1.3192* 1.091*0.929 *0.95 
= 2.124 
 Up 112.4% in 4 years.

Dow Jones 30: 
Feb 1, 1997: 6877.7;  Jan 31, 2001: 10877.36 
Up : 58.15% in 4 years.

Attrasoft Predictor, with a Single-Stock-Model, outperforms Dow Jones 30 by a factor of 2 from Feb. 1997 to Jan 30, 2001: 112.4 % vs. 58.15 %.  The “Attrasoft Dow 5” prediction for the period August 2000 to January 2001 is in the software. To generate this example:
  • Make sure you are in the home directory;
  • Click “Example\Attrasoft DJ 30, Batch”;
  • Click “Batch\Run”.
This batch file uses the “10 Average/+ Real Exponential command”. Some stocks do not have a prediction. You can get a prediction by using “10 Average/- Real Exponential command”.

Online Order/Online Fax order: 
Attrasoft PredictorPro for Windows 
Version 2.8 ($494.99 + $5 US Shipping and Handling)

Mail Order: 499.99 (S&H included)

Attrasoft, Attn.: Gina
P. O. Box 13051
Savannah, GA. 31406, USA
Send questions or comments to:
or contact us at: 
          Attrasoft, P. O. Box 13051, Savannah, GA. 31406, USA

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