Soccer Game Prediction


3.  Soccer game Question File

Before a prediction, you must use the numbers to describe all future soccer game in the competition.  These numbers go into a file, called question file. Column 1 through 12 represent this question file. Column 3 will be filled by the DecisionMaker, representing the result or prediction.

The soccer question file has 3 sections:

Click here to see the question file.

The test data is:

 856   1 1.61 1.83 65.22 52.17 834   7 1.96 0.83 65.22 26.09   10
 834   7 1.96 0.83 65.22 26.09 856   1 1.61 1.83 65.22 52.17     0

The question file is:

  Soccer Database for English & Scottish Leagues.
    1999 Data.

 856   1 1.61 1.83 65.22 52.17 834   7 1.96 0.83 65.22 26.09   10
 834   7 1.96 0.83 65.22 26.09 856   1 1.61 1.83 65.22 52.17     0

856   1 1.61 1.83 65.22 52.17 834   7 1.96 0.83 65.22 26.09
834   7 1.96 0.83 65.22 26.09 856   1 1.61 1.83 65.22 52.17