Soccer Game Prediction


4.  Predictions

The database has about 400 rows. For a 13 variable model, 1,300 rows are preferred. As a result, we have to reduce the "precision"

It only takes One second to get your answer ...... 3 clicks and you are there!

Step 1. Link the 2 files (Database file and the question file):

Click "Data/Link" and enter:
Step 2. Reduce the precision to compensate the data.
Click "Data/Link" and enter:
Step 3. Prediction.
You can make 2 different types of prediction: Here are the results:

Results of clicking "Average/- Integer";

  Soccer Database for English & Scottish Leagues.
  1999 Data.

  856   1 1.61 1.83 65.22 52.17 834   7 1.96 0.83 65.22 26.09   10
  834   7 1.96 0.83 65.22 26.09 856   1 1.61 1.83 65.22 52.17     0
856 1 1.61 1.83 65.22 52.17 834 7 1.96 0.83 65.22 26.09
Possibility              Confidence*Probability
11       8192

834 7 1.96 0.83 65.22 26.09 856 1 1.61 1.83 65.22 52.17
Possibility              Confidence*Probability
1       16384

Precision of each number:

The DecsionMaker predicts the results with 100% accuracy.