Attrasoft Dow 5
Dow Jones 30 Stock Prediction

Attrasoft Predictor 2.6, with a Single-Stock-Model, outperforms Dow Jones 30 by a factor of 2 from Feb. 1997 to Jan 30, 2001: 112.4 % vs. 58.15 %.


Goal: You want to pick top 5 stocks among Dow Jones 30 (6 months period).

Tool:  Attrasoft predictor 2.6.

Given: All history stock data of the 30 stocks from 1/1992 - current (Data is provided in this example, you will link your own data in your predictions).

Criteria  You want to predict the top 5 performer in the next 6 months: 2/1/2001 - 7/31/2001.

Model Each prediction of a stock is based on the historical value of the stock alone (the simplest model).

Historical Performance  This approach has a good track record, click here.


Dow Jones            10983.68
SP 500                    1373.47
1      mo                   45.79
2       dis                  31.5
3       msft               62.38
4       hwt                 36.86
5       ge                   46.23
Original Data
Formatted Attrasoft data
Prediction results
Analysis results
History of "Attrasoft Dow 5"
