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Attrasoft, P. O. Box 13051, Savannah, GA, 31410, USA
Free Demo Period: 1 Month.
Attrasoft VideoFinder 7.02 verifies the copyright information of a newly obtained video clip by matching it against a pre-established library of video clips.
Attrasoft VideoFinder 7.02 is a free update to the Attrasoft ImageFinder 7.0 users. For more Attrasoft ImageFinder information, see
Figure 1. Attrasoft VideoFinder 7.02 verifies the copyright information of a newly obtained video clip by matching it against a pre-established library of video clips.
Attrasoft VideoFinder 7.02 (Demo)
The matching between a new video clip and previously stored video clips is implemented via �Signature� matching, i.e. all video must be converted into signatures first. A library is a collection of previously stored signatures. The matching is done via a new key signature against a particular library.
You can have as many libraries as you want. Before matching, you will need to select a library and load it to the Attrasoft VideoFinder; then, you are ready to verify the copyright information.
Figure 2. The �Beginner� Menu and its menu items.
You can operate the Attrasoft VideoFinder 7.02 from the �Beginner� menu alone. The VideoFinder has three video panels:
Figure 3. Three video Panels: Key, Library, and Videos in the library that matched with the Key. The Key video is labeled by the �Key� label.
Key: a newly captured/obtained video clip. Use the Play and Stop button below the label �key� to play this video clip.
Library:� a collection of previously stored video clips. Use the Play and the Stop button below the label �Library� to play a video clip. Use the F, >, and < button to select a video clip in the library.
Videos in the library that matched with the Key: video matching results. Use the Play and the Stop button below the label �Videos in library that matched with Key� to play this video clip. Use the F, >, and < button to select a video clip in the matched collections.
Initially, you will need the following steps for video matching:
0. Initialization (Only Once after starting the software)
1. Select Library (Source Button)
2. Get Library Signatures (source.txt)
3. Select Key (Key Button)
4. Get Key Signatures (key.txt)
5. Create Library File (lib1.txt)
6. Load Library (lib1.txt)
7. 1:N Matching (Match/1:N Match menu item)
8. First Results (2nd F Button)
9. Next Results (2nd > Button)
Later, you do not have to create a library each time:
0. Initialization (Only Once After Starting the Software)
6. Load Library (lib1.txt)
3. Select Key (Key Button)
4. Get Key Signatures (key.txt)
7. 1:N Matching (Match/1:N Match menu item)
3. Select Key (Key Button)
4. Get Key Signatures (key.txt)
7. 1:N Matching (Match/1:N Match menu item)
0. Initialization (Only Once
After Starting the Software)
This step initializes the software. This step is implemented by clicking:
� �Beginner/0. Initialization (Only Once)� menu item, OR
� �Init� button.
1. Select
Library (Source Button)
A video clip is converted into a video clip signature. A set of video clip signatures forms a library. A set of video clips will be placed in a directory and the directory path (for example, c:\abc\def\) will be entered into the VideoFinder.
This step selects a video clip directory. This step is implemented by clicking:
� �Beginner/1. Select Library (Source Button)� menu item, OR
� �Source� button.
The video clips in the selected directory will be displayed in the second picture box.
Use the �Play� and �Stop� buttons to play the video clip.
Use the �F� button to select the First video in the directory; use the �>� button to select the next video clip; and use the �<� button to select the previous video clip.
2. Get Library Signatures (source.txt)
This step converts all video clips in the selected directory into signatures and saves them to the file, �source.txt�. This step is implemented by clicking:
� �Beginner/2. Get Library Signatures (source.txt)� menu item, OR
� �Signature/Library Signatures� menu item.
3. Select Key (Key Button)
A key is a newly obtained video clip. The video clip is converted into a signature. The key (for example, c:\abc\def\ghi.avi) will be entered into the VideoFinder.
This step selects a key. This step is implemented by clicking:
� �Beginner/3. Select Key (Key Button)� menu item, OR
� �Key� button.
The selected key will be displayed in the first picture box. Use the �Play� and �Stop� buttons to play the video clip.
4. Get Key Signatures
This step converts a key video clip into a signature and saves them to the file, �key.txt�. This step is implemented by clicking:
� �Beginner/4. Get Key Signatures (key.txt)� menu item, OR
� �Signature/Key Signature� menu item.
5. Create Library File
Before matching, you will need to select a library and load it to the VideoFinder. The library to be loaded is fixed to the file, lib1.txt. We have created a library file, �source.txt�; now we will simply copy it to the loading-library file, �lib1.txt�.
This step is implemented by clicking:
� �Beginner/5. Create Library File (lib1.txt)� menu item, OR
� �Library/Copy source.txt to lib1.txt� menu item.
6. Load Library (lib1.txt)
Before matching, you will need to select a library and load it to the VideoFinder. This step is implemented by clicking:
� �Beginner/6. Load Library (lib1.txt)� menu item, OR
� �Library/Load (lib1.txt)� menu item.
7. 1:N Matching� (Match/1:N Match menu item)
�1:N Matching� (read as 1 to N matching) compares �1� (i.e., the new video clip) with �N� (i.e., the previously stored video clips).� This step is implemented by clicking:
� �Beginner/7. 1:N Matching� menu item, OR
� �Match/1:N Matching� menu item.
8. First Results (2nd
F Button)
The 1:N matching results are also displayed in the second picture box. To select the first retrieved video clip, use:
� �Beginner/8. First Results (2nd F Button)� menu item, OR
� second �F� button.
Use the �Play� and �Stop� buttons to play the video clip.
9. Next Results (2nd
> Button)
The 1:N matching results are also displayed in the third picture box. To select the next retrieved video clip, use:
� �Beginner/9. Next Results (2nd > Button)� menu item, OR
� Second �>� button.
Use the �Play� and �Stop� buttons to play the video clip.
The default library signatures are computed at the rate of 1 signature every 1.0 second. This rate can be reset.
The default key signatures are computed at the rate of 1 signature every 2.0 seconds. This rate can be reset.
You can get detailed information on which frame in the key has matched with which frame of a video in a library. Please note that the frame with the same ID in the key will not necessary mean the same frame in the library; because the default library signatures are computed at the rate of 1 signature every 1.0 second, while the key signatures are computed at the rate of 1 signature every 2.0 seconds.
To see the detailed matching, go to the Text tab.
Figure 4. Detailed Matching.
In this example,
Matched with the following three frames:
FRIENDS_SEASON_2_0002_000022�������������� 760057�
FRIENDS_SEASON_2_0001_000002�������������� 760057�
FRIENDS_SEASON_2_0001_000001�������������� 760057�
You can have as many libraries as you want. Before matching, you will need to select a library and load it to the VideoFinder.
You must save all your libraries in this folder:
To select and load a library, go to the Library tab and use the �Load List� and the �Load Library� buttons.
Figure 5. Select A Signature Library.
Clear Button
Use the �Clear� button to clear the text area.
Library: F, >, <
Use these buttons to select library video clips.
Result: F, >, <
Use these buttons to select retrieved video clips.
Use the �Parameter� button to set the parameters:
�Play Interval� Text Box
The default play speed is 1 second per frame. This speed can be changed. One signature is obtained in each Interval, so this parameter also determines how many signatures you will collect from each video clip.
�Set Parameter� Button
Use the �Set Parameter� button to set the newly selected parameters.
�Video Output Folder� Text Box
Use the �Video Output Folder� Text Box to set the folder used for converting the video clip to images.
�Video to Images� Button, �Starting Frame� Text Box, �Ending Frame� Text Box
Use the �Video to Images� button to convert the key video clip to images from the �Starting Frame� to the �Ending Frame�, one image every �Play Interval�.