

PredictorPro for Windows

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7. Command Reference and Toolbar 

7.1 File 
7.2 Edit 
7.3 Data 
7.4 Real 
7.5 Integer 
7.6 Avg/Max 
7.7 3-Average and 10-Average 
7.8 Batch 
7.9 Example 
7.10 Window 
7.11 Help 
7.12 Toolbar and Status Bar 

7. Command Reference and Toolbar

7.1  File


 Use the "New" command to create an empty file window. This window will be used for editing the data file.
 Use the "Open" command to open an existing file and link to the file. 
 Use the "Close" command to close an existing file. 


 Use the "Save" command to immediately store the contents of the current window to a file while leaving the window active. "Save" can also be used to save your most recent change to a disk.
File/Save As
 Use the "Save As" command to immediately store the contents of the current window to a file that you specify. If a window is untitled, "Save As" should be used to save your most recent changes to the disk.

File/Print Preview

 Use the "Print Preview" command to preview before printing.


 Use the "Print” command to print the contents of a data file window.

File/Print Setup

 Use the "Print setup” command to set up the printer before you print.


 Use the "Exit" command to leave PredictorPro for Windows. 

7.2 Edit


 Use the "Undo" command to reverse the most recent edit-actions. This command can only apply to editing, not training.


 Use the "Cut" command to cut the contents of the selected text. The Cut command also copies the contents of the selected text to the Windows Clipboard.  


 Use the “Copy” command to copy the contents of the selected text to the Windows Clipboard.  


 Use the “Paste” command to place the contents of the Windows  Clipboard into a selected position.

Edit/Clear All

 Use the "Clear All" command to delete all contents of a data file.


 Use the "Delete" command to delete the contents of the selected text.


 Use the “Find” command to find a pattern in the data files.


 Use the “Replace” command to replace one pattern in the data file by another.


 Use the “Next” command to repeat the last Find or Replace.


 Use the “Font” command to replace the current font

7.3  Data


 Use the "Data/Link" command to assign the file names and set the parameters for the PredictorPro

 To assign names for the input file and the output files, click the command and a dialog box will be presented. By default, the PredictorPro will select the following names:
   Input file:   example2a.txt
   Output file:  example2b.txt
Let the Trend be N, the PredictorPro will look at all N-row patterns, then look at the last N - 1 rows and makes a prediction. The number of rows in the Trend is a user-selected variable: you decide the number of rows in the Trend. If you do not make a choice, the default value uses a 5-trend. To change the Trend, click the command and under the prompt "Enter Trend", and enter your number.

 The Precision-level determines the error of each variable. You can change this variable by clicking the command and under the prompt "Enter precision level", specify your number.

Use the “File” option for file input and use the “Directory” option for directory input.


Use the " Data/Input" command to open the input file directly without specifying the file name. This command will open the input file specified by "Data/Link". 


Use the " Data/Output" command to open the output file directly without specifying the file name. This command will open the output file specified by "Data/Link". 


 Use the " Data/Test" command to test the input file. If the error is not corrected, the PredictorPro will not run.

7.4 Real

Real/+ Linear
Real/-- Linear
Real/0 Linear
Real/+ Exponential
Real/-- Exponential
Real/0 Exponential

These commands are divided into two groups:
  • Linear
  • Exponential

The Linear mode deals with two situations:

  • Data is in fixed intervals [a, b];
  • Data grows linearly, 1, 2, 3, 4,  … .

The Exponential mode deals with:

  • Data grows exponentially, 1, 2, 4, 8,  … .

Each group has three commands: 

  • -- 
  • 0. 

Here, "+" and "--" means the upper bound and the lower bound, respectively. Assume a prediction is 

x = 5.6 + 0.3 - 0.2 , 

i.e. the result is likely to be 5.6, but could be in the range [5.4, 5.9]; then 

'0' prediction ==> 5.6 
'+' prediction ==> 5.9
'--' prediction ==> 5.4. 

'+' and '--' predictions yield results more often than the '0' prediction, therefore, consider these two commands first. '0' prediction, on other hand, is more accurate than the other two, if it produces a prediction.

Real/+ Linear  Enumerative  

Similar to + Linear command. The difference between the linear command and the linear enumerative command is that the enumerative command might offer more possibilities than the Liner mode. The enumerative command looks at all possibilities where the Linear command only looks at the important possibilities. However, the enumerative mode can not examine more than 10,000 possibilities (for the 10,000-neuron version). If your application requires a selection among more than 10,000 possibilities, you have to use the linear mode, or order a customized version. The 250K version, for example, will examine 250,000 possibilities.

Real/-- Linear  Enumerative 

Similar to -- Linear command. The enumerative command looks at all possibilities where the linear command only looks at the important possibilities.

Real/0 Linear  Enumerative  

Similar to 0 Linear command. The enumerative command looks at all possibilities where the linear command only looks at the important possibilities.

7.5 Integer
Integer/+ Linear 

Similar to "Real/+ Linear" but uses integers.
Integer/-- Linear 
Similar to "Real/+ Linear" but uses integers.
Integer/0 Linear 
Similar  to "Real/+ Linear" but uses integers.
Integer/+ Enumerative 
Similar  to "Real/+ Linear Enumerative" but uses integers.
Integer/-- Enumerative
Similar  to "Real/-- Linear Enumerative" but uses integers.
Integer/0 Enumerative
Similar  to "Real/0 Linear Enumerative" but uses integers.

7.6 Avg/Max

Avg|Max/+ Real Linear

Similar  to "Real/+ Linear" but only prints the weighted average, most probable outcome, and the error.

Avg|Max/-- Real Linear

Similar  to "Real/-- Linear" but only prints the weighted average, most probable outcome, and the error.
Avg|Max/0 Real Linear
Similar  to "Real/0 Linear" but only prints the weighted average, most probable outcome, and the error.
Avg|Max/+ Real Exponential
Similar  to "Real/+ Exponential" but only prints the weighted average, most probable outcome, and the error.
Avg|Max/-- Real Exponential
Similar  to "Real/-- Exponential" but only prints the weighted average, most probable outcome, and the error.
Avg|Max/0 Real Exponential
Similar  to "Real/0 Exponential" but only prints the weighted average, most probable outcome, and the error.
Avg|Max/+ Integer Linear
Similar  to "Integer/+ Linear" but only prints the weighted average, most probable outcome, and the error.
Avg|Max/-- Integer Linear
Similar  to "Integer/-- Linear" but only prints the weighted average, most probable outcome, and the error.
Avg|Max/0 Integer Linear
Similar  to "Integer/0 Linear" but only prints the weighted average, most probable outcome, and the error.
Avg|Max/+ Integer Enumerative
Similar  to "Integer/+ Linear Enumerative " but only prints the weighted average, most probable outcome, and the error.
Avg|Max/-- Integer Enumerative
Similar  to "Integer/-- Linear Enumerative " but only prints the weighted average, most probable outcome, and the error.
Avg|Max/0 Integer Enumerative
Similar  to "Integer/0 Linear Enumerative " but only prints the weighted average, most probable outcome, and the error.

7.7 3-Average and 10-Average

3-Average(10-Average)/+ Real Linear

Similar  to "Real/+ Linear". This command will make 3/10 predictions down the line; each time it will use the weighted-average(s) to calculate the next row of numbers. 
3-Average(10-Average)/-- Real Linear
Similar  to "Real/-- Linear". This command will make 3/10 predictions down the line; each time it will use the weighted-average(s) to calculate the next row of numbers. 
3-Average(10-Average)/0 Real Linear
Similar  to "Real/0 Linear". This command will make 3/10 predictions down the line; each time it will use the weighted-average(s) to calculate the next row of numbers. 
3-Average(10-Average)/+ Real Exponential
Similar  to "Real/+ Exponential". This command will make 3/10 predictions down the line; each time it will use the weighted-average(s) to calculate the next row of numbers. 
3-Average(10-Average)/-- Real Exponential
Similar  to "Real/-- Exponential". This command will make 3/10 predictions down the line; each time it will use the weighted-average(s) to calculate the next row of numbers. 
3-Average(10-Average)/0 Real Exponential
Similar  to "Real/0 Exponential". This command will make 3/10 predictions down the line; each time it will use the weighted-average(s) to calculate the next row of numbers. 

3-Average(10-Average)/+ Integer Linear

Similar  to "Integer/+ Linear". This command will make 3/10 predictions down the line; each time it will use the weighted-average(s) to calculate the next row of numbers.
3-Average(10-Average)/-- Integer Linear
Similar  to "Integer/-- Linear". This command will make 3/10 predictions down the line; each time it will use the weighted-average(s) to calculate the next row of numbers.
0 Integer Linear
Similar  to "Integer/0 Linear". This command will make 3/10 predictions down the line; each time it will use the weighted-average(s) to calculate the next row of numbers.

7.8 Batch


Use the “Batch/Open” command to open the current saved batch file. This file will always be “batch.txt”. 


Use the “Batch/Save” command to create a batch file, which save the current setting.


Use the “Batch/Run” command to run a batch file.

7.9 Example 

Example/Dynamic System

Use the "Example/Dynamic System" command to generate an example to predict the following dynamic system: 

        x (n+1) = ( x (n) + y(n) + z(n)  ) Mod 7;                 
         y (n+1) =  x ( n );                                        
         z  (n+1 ) = y ( n) Mod 5;                           

The possible states are 000, 001, . . ., 100, 101, . . . , 775.

The training data is (first 70 rows):

1  0  0
1  1  0
2  1  1
. . . 
6  3  2
4  6  3
6  4  1
The next state is 464. 

Example/Markov Chain

Use the "Example/Markov Chain " command to generate an example to predict the following Markov chain:

        x (n+1) = ( x (n) + y(n) + z(n)  ) Mod 7;                 
         y (n+1) =  x ( n );                                        
         z  (n+1 ) = y ( n) Mod 5;          60%
         z  (n+1 ) = ( y ( n)+ 1 ) Mod 5;   40%  
         s  (n+1 ) = ( s(n) + 1 ) Mod 5;    60%          
         s  (n+1 ) = ( s(n) + 2 ) Mod 5;    40%          
         t  (n+1 ) = s ( n) Mod 3;                           

Each state can go to 4 different states with the four respective probabilities: 36%, 24%, 24%, and 16%. The possible states are 00000, 00001, . . ., 10000, 10001, . . . , 77553. The next simulated configuration by a computer is: 6  6  1   0   1.

EExample /CASH 3 (x)

Use the "Example/CASH 3 (x)" command to generate an example to predict the next day's CASH 3 winning lottery number. This command predicts the first digit, x, of the CASH 3 game. The command generates the input data file with real data from 1/1/97 - 5/16/97 in Georgia, USA.  The command also initializes the PredictorPro for the prediction problem. 

Example /CASH 3 (y)

Use the "Example/CASH 3 (y)" command to generate an example to predict the next day's CASH 3 winning lottery number. This command predicts the second digit, y, of the CASH 3 game. The command generates the input data file with real data from 1/1/97 - 5/16/97 in Georgia, USA. The command also initializes the PredictorPro for the prediction problem. 

Example /CASH 3 (z)

Use the "Example/CASH 3 (z)" command to generate an example to predict the next day's CASH 3 winning lottery number. This command predicts the third digit, z, of the CASH 3 game. The command generates the input data file with real data from 1/1/97 - 5/16/97 in Georgia, USA. The command also initializes the PredictorPro for the prediction problem. 

Example /Cash 3, Dir

Use the "Example /Cash 3, Dir" command to open a file, which will list the steps to complete the lottery example with directory input. The operation is "link and run".

To link:

  •  Open "dj30\aa.txt"; this will lead the PredictorPro to directory, "dj30\".
  •  Click the link-button (4th button) to open the input dialog box; 
  •  Check Directory option, and click OK. 
To run:
  •  Click command "Integer\+ Linear".

Example /Attrasoft DJ 30, Dir

Use the "Example /Attrasoft DJ 30, Dir" command to open a file, which will list the steps to complete the “Attrasoft Dow 5” example with directory input. The operation is "link and run".

To link:

  •  Open "dj30\aa.txt"; this will lead the PredictorPro to directory, "dj30\".
  •  Click the link-button (4th button) to open the input dialog box; 
  •  Check Directory option, and click OK. 

To run:

  •  Click command "Integer\+ Linear".

Example /Cash 3, Batch

Use the "Example /Cash 3, Batch" command to generate the batch file for the lottery example. To run,

1. You must be in the home directory.
2. Click "Batch\Run" to run.

 If you are not in the home directory, close and restart the PredictorPro.

Example /Attrasoft DJ 30, Batch

Use the "Example /Attrasoft DJ 30, Batch" command to generate the batch file for the “Attrasoft Dow 5” example. To run,

1. You must be in the home directory.
2. Click "Batch\Run" to run.

 If you are not in the home directory, close and restart the PredictorPro.

Example /Intel 1 (Intel)

 Use the "Example/Intel 1(Intel)" command to generate an example to predict Intel stock price one month ahead. The data set is the Intel stock. 

Example /Intel 2 (Avg of Intel)

 Use the "Example/Intel 2 (Avg of Intel)" command to generate an example to predict the 5-month moving average of Intel stock price one month ahead. The data set is the 5-month moving average of Intel. 
Example /Intel 3 (Microsoft)
 Use the "Example/Intel 3 (Microsoft)" command to generate an example to predict the 5-month moving average of Intel stock price one month ahead. The data set is the 5-month moving average of Microsoft.

Example /Intel 4 (Avg of Intel, SP500, MSFT )

 Use the "Example/Intel 4 (Avg of Intel, SP500, MSFT )" command to generate an example to predict the 5-month moving average of Intel stock price one month ahead. The data set is the 5-month moving average of Intel, SP 500, and Microsoft.

Example /Intel 5 (Avg of MSFT, SP500)

 Use the "Example/Intel 5 (Avg of MSFT, SP500)" command to generate an example to predict the 5-month moving average of Intel stock price one month ahead. The data set is the 5-month moving average of SP 500, and Microsoft.

Example /a.txt

 Use the "Example/a.txt" command to link your data. If you use same data over and over again, you can save the data to "a.txt". Then click this command, your data is linked and opened.

7.10  Window


 Use the “Window/Tile" command to arrange your open data Windows so that all Windows are visible and roughly equally sized across the screen.


 Use the “Window/Cascade" command to arrange your open data Windows so that all Windows are roughly equally sized and layered, leaving only their title bar and left border visible.

Window/Arrange Icons

 Use the “Window/Arrange Icons" command to arrange the icons of data Windows. The icons for data Windows are created when you minimize the data file Windows.

Window/Close All

 Use the “Window/Close All" command to close all of your opened data Windows. 

7.11  Help


To use on-line help, click Help|Contents or the Help-Button.

 The on-line help has three parts:

  • Commands;
  • Toolbar; and 
  • Procedures. 


 This part lists all the commands in the Menu bar. They are: 

  • File;
  • Edit;
  • Initialization;
  • Real;
  • Integer;
  • Avg/Max;
  • 3-Average;
  • 10-Average;
  • Examples;
  • Window; and 
  • Help.

Each one of them has a list of commands. Clicking any one of them will open a new list. For example, if you click File, a new list of commands will appear:

  • New
  • Open
  • Close
  • Save
  • Save As
  • Print Preview
  • Print
  • Print Setup
  • Exit

Click any one of them, and the command will be explained. For example, if you click New, the following message will be displayed:

“The File|New command opens a new, untitled document, and makes it the active window. The application prompts you to name untitled documents when they are closed.”


 The toolbar has 19 buttons. You can identify these buttons by putting (not clicking) the mouse on top of a button and reading the status bar. They are listed in the following order:



Real/+ Linear
Real/0 Linear
Real/-- Linear

Real/+ Exponential
Real/0 Exponential
Real/-- Exponential


File/Print Preview

After clicking Help/Contents, if you click Toolbar, the above buttons will appear. If you want to know what the command does, click the command to see the explanation.


  Under the Procedure, you will see:

  • Introduction
  • Total Operation in 2 Clicks
  • User's Guide
  • Advanced Topic
  • Stock Market Prediction
  • Lottery Number Prediction 

Help/Using Help

 The Help|Using Help displays the help Index.


 Use the “Help/Note" command to open your private notes about the software. You can write your own notes here. 


 Use the “Help/About" command to access the Attrasoft “About” information box. The “About” dialogue box contains information like the version number, the release date, the company address and the copyright information.

7.12  Toolbar and Status Bar

 PredictorPro toolbar has the following buttons. They are listed in the following order:



Real/+ Linear
Real/0 Linear
Real/-- Linear

Real/+ Exponential
Real/0 Exponential
Real/-- Exponential


File/Print Preview

You can identify these buttons by putting (not clicking) the mouse on top of a button and reading the status bar.

 The status bar explains all the commands in the menu bar and all the buttons on the toolbar.

Online Order/Online Fax order: 
Attrasoft PredictorPro for Windows 
Version 2.8 ($494.99 + $5 US Shipping and Handling)

Mail Order: 499.99 (S&H included)

Attrasoft, Attn.: Gina
P. O. Box 13051
Savannah, GA. 31406, USA
Send questions or comments to:
or contact us at: 
          Attrasoft, P. O. Box 13051, Savannah, GA. 31406, USA

Copyright © 2001 Attrasoft, Inc. All rights reserved.