Version 8.0
Attrasoft VideoFinderLive
searches for a particular picture from live video. Given a valuable item, the VideoFinderLive will sound an alarm if it is removed.
Attrasoft, Inc.
P. O. Box 13051
Savannah, GA, 31406���������������������������������������������������������������������
The deliverable is either a zip file on a CD or downloaded from a web address. To install the software:
� Unzip CD:\ to a folder;
� Click �Videofinderlive.exe� in the folder to run.
The software requires an updated Windows to run.
The Attrasoft program that you purchased is copyrighted by Attrasoft, and your rights of ownership are subject to the limitations and restrictions imposed by the copyright laws outlined below.
It is against the law to copy, reproduce or transmit (including, without limitation, electronic transmission over any network) any part of the program except as permitted by the copyright act of the United States (title 17, United States code). However, you are permitted by law to write the contents of the program into the Machine memory of your computer so that the program may be executed. You are also permitted by law to make a back-up copy of the program subject to the following restrictions:
� Each back-up copy must be treated in the same way as the original copy purchased from Attrasoft;
� No copy (original, or back-up) may be used while another copy, (original, or back-up) is in use;
� If you ever sell or give away the original copy of the program, all back-up copies must also be given to the same person, or destroyed.
In addition, this software is for the personal use only. This is defined as follows:
cannot sell a service based any computation results produced by this software.
o You must purchase a separate annual license for commercial use from Attrasoft.
cannot use the software to perform work for which you will get paid for.
o You must purchase a separate annual license for business use from Attrasoft.
cannot build software on top of this software.
o You must purchase a separate annual license for redistribution from Attrasoft.
�This User�s Guide and Reference Manual is copyrighted by Attrasoft.
� Attrasoft 2007 � 2015
of Copyright Restriction
How to Use Attrasoft VideoFinderLive
Attrasoft VideoFinderLive for
Windows searches for a particular picture from live video (Figure 1.1). VideoFinderLive can be
used for surveillance:
� Given a valuable item, the VideoFinderLive will sound an alarm if it is removed.
Figure 1.1 Attrasoft VideoFinderLive.
The software requires the following to run:
� Microsoft Windows;
� Windows .Net Framework;
� Direct X.
Any camera linked to a PC via USB port.
VideoFinderLive can be used for surveillance:
Given a valuable item, the VideoFinderLive will sound an
alarm if it is removed.
To use the Attrasoft VideoFinderLive:
1. Select an image to define an object
2. Click the Start button to start
3. Click the Stop button to stop
4. Click the Results button to see the matched images
Figure 2.1 Take a few pictures to obtain sample images.
Click the �Take 5� button to take 5 images, which can be used as sample images. In Figure 2.1, we take a picture of an empty box. Later, we will put something into this box; if this box is empty again, we want to identify that the object has been removed from the box. After taking 5 pictures, a folder will be opened to contain these five pictures, see figure 2.2.
Figure 2.2 Sample images.
The VideoFinderLive process is:
1. Select an image
����������� Drag and drop an image file to the first text box.
2. Click the Start button to start
����������� Click the Start button.
3. Click the Stop button to stop
����������� Click the Stop button.
4. Click the Results button to see the matched images
����������� Click the Result button.
Drag and drop the image in Figure 2.2 to the first text box in Figure 2.1, you will see Figure 2.3.
Figure 2.3 Key image.
Click the Start button to start, See Figure 2.4; click the Stop button to stop.
Figure 2.4 Click the Start button.
Now, remove the object in the box and click the �Start� button again to see Figure 2.5. Once the VideoFinderLive found a match to the key image, (in this case it indicates an empty box), it starts to sound an alarm. Click the Stop button to stop the software. Click the Results button to see matched images, see Figure 2.6.
Figure 2.5 Found a match.
Figure 2.6 �Matched images.
For technical support, contact:
����������� Attrasoft
����������� P. O. Box 13051
����������� Savannah, GA. 31406
����������� USA
����������� Phone:� (912) 484-1717