FlashFinder For
Attrasoft FlashFinder matches each frame of a newly obtained video clip (*.flv) against a pre-established library of video clips (*.flv). Attrasoft FlashFinderLite verifies the copyright information of a newly obtained video clip by matching each frame against a pre-established library of video clips.
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Savannah, GA.
�Microsoft Windows
Copy/Unzip the files to a folder, c:\flashfinderlite2010\, and
Click, c:\flashfinderlite2010\flashfinder2010.exe to run.
Attrasoft, Inc. (Email Subject: Attrasoft)
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�This User�s Guide and Reference Manual is copyrighted by Attrasoft.
� Attrasoft 2004 � 2010
Statement of Copyright Restriction
1. Introduction To FlashFinder
1.1 FlashFinder and FlashFinderLite
3.4 Single Frame Matching and Image Matching
Figure 1.1 Attrasoft FlashFinder verifies the copyright information of a newly obtained video clip by matching every frame of it against a pre-established library of video clips.
FlashFinder� is Attrasoft's solution for video content owners. It enables a content owner such as a media company, production studio, or content distributor to fingerprint, detect, & measure their content as it appears on a variety of online sites.
The matching between every frame of a new video clip and previously stored video clips is implemented via �fingerprint� matching, i.e. all videos must be converted into fingerprints first.
FlashFinder� enables fast & easy creation of a fingerprint library. The fingerprints in the library are then compared to fingerprints of videos in a reference library. Matches are presented side-by-side, along with their accuracy score, for verification and/or further investigation. FlashFinder has the following advantages:
� Automatic Search -- Saving your precious labor hours.
� Error Reduction � Reducing errors caused by human memory & fatigue.�
Attrasoft FlashFinder matches a newly obtained video clip against a pre-established library of video clips at the frame level.
FlashFinder matches video at the frame level, i.e. each video frame is a basic unit.
FlashFinderLite matches video at the video level i.e. each video file is a basic unit.
You can operate the software from the �Search� menu alone, see Figure 1.2. To operate the software, you will need to do six steps:
� Select a Reference Folder
� Select a Key Folder
� Create a Fingerprint Library (.\data\lib1\*.txt)
� Key Fingerprinting (.\data\key.txt)
� Load the Fingerprint Library
� Search
Figure 1.2 The �Search� Menu and its menu items.
The unique attributes of a video clip � its �video fingerprint� - are used. A fingerprint is a set of values unique to a particular video. The matching between video frames in a new video clip and previously stored video clips are implemented via �fingerprint� matching, i.e. all videos must be converted into fingerprints first. A library is a collection of previously stored fingerprints. The matching is done via a new key fingerprint against a particular library.
Each video is converted into a video fingerprint.
The key video is converted into key.txt, regardless of the key video file name. This file is stored in �.\data\key.txt�, where �.\� folder is the folder where the software is installed. This location cannot be changed.
A video in a folder, say zyx.flv, is converted into a fingerprint file, xyz.flv.txt. It will be saved at location, �.\data\lib1\xyz.flv.txt�. �This location cannot be changed.
Before matching, you will need to load the reference video fingerprints in �.\data\� to the Attrasoft FlashFinder; then, you are ready to verify the copyrighted video frames.
The six steps are:
1. Select a Reference Folder
2. Select the Key Folder
3. Create a Fingerprint Library (.\data\lib1\*.txt)
4. Key Fingerprinting (.\data\key.txt)
5. Load the Fingerprint Library
6. Search
The first two steps select a key folder and a library folder; the next two steps convert a key image into a fingerprint and a library folder of videos into many video fingerprints; the next step loads video fingerprints to the FlashFinder, and the last step makes a 1:N Matching.
Figure 1.3 Three Video Panels: �Key�, �Library�, and �Results�. The Key video panel is labeled by the �Key� label.
The FlashFinder has three video panels: �Key�, �Library�, and �Results�.
Library or Reference Video:�
A library is a collection of previously stored video clips. Library videos are selected via the �1. Reference� button. Use the �Play� button next to the label �Lib� to play a video clip. You must have a Flash Video Player.� Use the Home, � , and � button to select a video clip in the library; here � stands for Next, and � stands for previous.
A key is a newly obtained video clip. A key video is selected via the �2. Key� button. Use the �Play� button next the label �Key� to play this video clip. Use the Home, � , and � button to select a key; here � stands for Next, and � stands for previous.
Results are generated automatically from a 1:N matching. Use the �Play� button next the label �Results� to play this video clip. Use the Home, � , and � button to select a matched video clip.
The FlashFinder supports *.flv files only.
Customized FlashFinder applications are limited only by your imagination.
� Video Ad Recognition
� Video Image Recognition
� Real Time Event Detection
� Object Detection
� Internet Audio-Visual Search Engine
� Content Based Image Retrieval (Video Digital Library)
� Counting & Tracking
Customized versions can accommodate:
� High Accuracy Rates
� Speed Optimization
� Multi-Layered Image Matching
� New Image Preprocessing Filters
� Specific Symmetries or Invariance
� Video File Formats
� Programming Library
� Friendly User Interface
� Database Interface (combine FlashFinder with Database)
� Your Specific Project Requirements
Uses for FlashFinder solution are:
� Anti-Piracy
� Media Measurement
� Content Monetization
� Content Tracking
� Content License Rights Verification
Potential users include:
� Advertising Agencies
� Movie Production Studios
� Media Companies
� Content Distribution Websites
� Social Networking Websites
Initially, the six steps are:
1. Select a Reference Folder
2. Select the Key Folder
3. Create a Fingerprint Library (.\data\lib1\*.txt)
4. Key Fingerprinting (.\data\key.txt)
5. Load the Fingerprint Library
6. Search
Later, you do not have to create a library each time; you can simply load a library by clicking the �Load Fingerprint Library� menu item.
� Select the Key Folder
� Key Fingerprinting (.\data\key.txt)
� Load the Fingerprint Library
� Search
1. Select a Reference Folder
A video clip, xyz.flv, is converted into a video clip fingerprint, xyz.flv.txt. A set of video clip signatures forms a library. A set of video clips will be placed in a directory and the directory path (for example, �c:\abc\def\�) will be entered into the FlashFinder.
This step selects a video clip directory. To complete this step:
� Click �Search/1. Select a Reference Fold� menu item, OR
� Drag & Drop a Folder into the first text box.
The video clips in the selected directory will be displayed in the second picture box (labeled �Lib�).
� Use the �Play� button to play the video clip;
� Use the �Home� button to select the First video in the directory;
� Use the � button to select the next video clip; and
� Use the � button to select the previous video clip.
Figure 2.1 Step 1, Select a Library folder.
2. Select the Key Folder
A key is a newly obtained video clip. The video clip is converted into a fingerprint. The key folder (for example, �c:\abc\def\�) will be entered into the FlashFinder. To complete this step:
� Click �Search/2. Select the Key Folder� menu item, OR
� Drag & Drop a Folder into the second text box.
The selected key will be displayed in the first picture box (labeled �Key�).
� Use the �Play� to play the video clip;
� Use the �Home� button to select the First video in the directory;
� Use the � button to select the next video clip; and
� Use the � button to select the previous video clip.
Figure 2.2 Select a Key folder.
3. Get the Library fingerprints
This step converts all video clips in the selected directory into video clip fingerprints. �This step is implemented by clicking:
� �Search/3. Create Fingerprint Library (.\data\lib1\*.txt)� �menu item, OR
� ��3� button on the toolbar.
A video in a folder, say zyx.flv, is converted into a fingerprint file, xyz.flv.txt. It will be saved at location, �.\data\lib1\xyz.flv.txt�, where �.\� folder is the folder where the software is installed.� This location cannot be changed.
4. Get Key Signatures (key.txt)
This step converts a key video clip into a fingerprint and saves them to the file, �key.txt�. This step is implemented by clicking:
� �Key Fingerprinting (.\data\key.txt)� menu item, OR
� �4� button on the toolbar.
The key video is converted into a file, key.txt, regardless of the key video file name. This file is stored in �.\data\key.txt�, where �.\� folder is the folder where the software is installed. This location cannot be changed.
5. Load the Fingerprint Library
Before matching, you will need to load the reference video library. The library to be loaded is fixed to the location, �.\data\lib1\�. This step is implemented by clicking:
� �Search/5. Load the Fingerprint Library� menu item, OR
� �5� button on the toolbar.
6. Search
The �Search/Search� menu item will make a �1:N Matching� (read as 1 to N matching), which �compares �1� (i.e., the new video clip) with �N� (i.e., the previously stored video clips).� This step is implemented by clicking:
� �Search/6. Search� menu item, OR
� �6� button on the toolbar.
Figure 2.3 Step 6, 1:N Matching.
There are two output files, one for matched files and one for matched frames. See Figure 2.4.
Figure 2.4 Step 6, 1:N Matching Text File Output.
In this section, we will use Video Clips in the FlashFinder. After installing the software, the folder structure is:
where �.\� is the folder where the software is installed. Assuming we install the software to C:\flashfinder2010\, then the data folder is:
����������� C:\flashfinder2010\test0.
1. Select a Reference Folder
� Drag & Drop a Folder, C:\flashfinder2010\test0, into the first text box.
2. Select the Key Folder
� Drag & Drop a Folder, C:\flashfinder2010\test0, into the second text box; click � button until you select youtube0006.flv.
3. Get the Library fingerprints
� Click the �3� button on the toolbar.
4. Get Key Signatures (key.txt)
� Click the �4� button on the toolbar.
5. Load the Fingerprint Library
� Click the �5� button on the toolbar.
6. Search
� Click the �6� button on the toolbar.
These six steps will generate Figures 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4.
Figure 2.5 The Search Tool Bar.
The Search toolbar duplicates the Search menu. See Figure 2.5.
Figure 3.1 Library Menu.
The matching between a new video clip and previously stored video clips is implemented via �fingerprint� matching, i.e. all videos must be converted into fingerprints first. A library is a collection of previously stored fingerprint files. The matching is done via a new key fingerprint against a folder of fingerprints. A video file produces a video fingerprint file.
Before matching, you will need to select a library and load it to the FlashFinder; then, you are ready to verify the copyrighted video clip. This is true for both key videos and library videos. The Library menu provides you with the menu items required for converting a video into signature files.
The default library signatures are computed at the rate of 1 signature every 1.0 second. The menu items are:
Library/Create Library (.\data\lib1\*.txt)
Use " Library/Create Library (.\data\lib1\*.txt) " menu item to create fingerprints from a folder specified by the "1. Reference" button. This is step 3 in the last chapter.
Library/ Load Libraries (.\data\lib1\*.txt)
Use " Library/ Load Libraries (.\data\lib1\*.txt)" menu item to load video fingerprints from �.\data\lib1\�. This is step 5 in the last chapter.
Library/Load Key
Use "Library/Load Key� to load a key video fingerprint, �key.txt�, created earlier. This way you do not have to create the same key fingerprint over and over again.��
Library/Open Library
Use "Library Library/Open Library� to open folder �.\data\lib1\� so you can cut and paste these fingerprints to elsewhere.�������
FlashFinder answers only one question: �which frame in the key has matched with which frame of a video in a library�.
One video frame is taken from a video every 1 second. The frame number for a file xyz.flv is xyz_000000, xyz_000001, �
For example, let an image frame ID be youtube_0007_000000, this means the video file is youtube_0007.flv, and the frame number is 000000 (second). Let an image frame ID be youtube_0007_000001, this means the video file is youtube_0007.flv, and the frame number is 000001 (second).�
The Match menu can be seen in Figure 3.2, which has only one menu item, 1:N matching (step 6).
Figure 3.2 Matching Menu.
FrameFinder only creates a library, but will not manage the library so the library management is your job. The following shows you how to manage the library.
Create a Library
To create a library:
1. Select a Reference Folder
� Drag & Drop a Folder, for example, C:\flashfinder2010\test0, into the first text box.
2. Create the Library fingerprints
� Click the �3� button on the toolbar.
Store a Library
Click �Library/Open Library� menu item to open the folder of fingerprints; remember video file, x, will produce fingerprint file, x.txt. Cut and Paste the files from �.\data\lib1\*.txt� to a new location.
Add to the Library
A video file, x, will produce fingerprint file, x.txt. To add one video fingerprint, x.txt, to the library, simply move it to �.\data\lib1\�.
Delete From the Library
A video file, x, will produce fingerprint file, x.txt. To remove one video fingerprint, x.txt, from the library, simply remove it from �.\data\lib1\�.
Use a Library
Click �Library/Open Library� menu item to open the folder of fingerprints; remember video file, x, will produce fingerprint file, x.txt. Remove all files from this folder. Copy and Paste the files from a library saved earlier to �.\data\lib1\�.
Create a Single Key
To create a single key:
Select the Key Folder
� Drag & Drop a Folder, for example C:\flashfinder2010\test0, into the second text box; click � button until you select the file you want.
Create Key Signatures (key.txt)
� Click the �4� button on the toolbar.
Create Multiple Keys
To create multiple keys:
1. Select a Reference Folder
� Drag & Drop a Folder, for example, C:\flashfinder2010\test0, into the first text box.
2. Get the Library fingerprints
� Click the �3� button on the toolbar.
3. Click �Library/Open Library� menu item to open the folder of fingerprints; remember video file, x, will produce fingerprint file, x.txt. Cut and Paste the files from �.\data\lib1\*.txt� to a new location.
Select a Key
Open a key saved earlier; save it to �.\data\key.txt�.
Load Key
Use "Library/Load Key� to load a key video fingerprint, �key.txt�, created earlier. This way you do not have to create the same key fingerprint over and over again.��
Figure 3.3 Matching Menu.
FrameFinder also allows you to create images from a video and match a single image/frame to the video library. The process is the same as video matching, with step 2 and step 4 being replaced by the following:
Image Search/2. Select Key Image
Use �Image Search/2. Select Key Image� menu-item to select a single image.
Image Search/4. Key Fingerprinting
Use �Image Search/4. Key Fingerprinting� menu-item to create a key image fingerprint.
Image Search/Create Images From Current Key Video
Use �Image Search/Create Images From Current Key Video� menu-item to convert a key video into images and store them at �.\data\keyimages\�.
FlashFinder has a large amount of internal parameters. These parameters are not exposed to users for adjustment.
For example, the FlashFinder takes one frame out of every 25 frames, i.e. one frame per second. The frame taken is the last one out of 25 frames. This parameter can only be adjusted via customization.
The input file is:
and the input folder is:
Again, these two parameters are not adjustable.
VideoFinder Suite is an off-the-shelf Application Software to quickly test users own Video Recognition ideas.� FlashFinder is a component of the VideoFinder Suite.
ImageFinder Suite is an off-the-shelf Application Software to quickly test users own Image Recognition ideas.�
TransApplet is a developer tool (.Net Class Library) that enables users to quickly add Image Recognition capability to their products & services.
AttraSeek matches images from a web site.�