Image Tagging Service
How does this work?
Attrasoft specializes in image tagging using computer software.
We use Attrasoft software, ImageTagger,
to tag random images automatically.
How can Attrasoft software know how to tag random images automatically?
The software learns how to tag from a large amount of examples;
each keyword has 1,000 to 10,000 sample images.
This is an adaptive process, which can improve tagging accuracy during the process.
We use a seven step procedure:
- Select a Key Image Folder
- Select a Keyword File
- Get Signatures
- Train
- Select a Source
- Get Signatures
- Tag
For more information go to the software web site.
An example can be found here.
The basic cost is $ 0.001 per word.
Basic Package
- 1,000,000 images;
- Tag each image with 1 to 10 possible words from a dictionary of 10 words, you will provide the tag words;
- $10,000 (or $ 0.001 per word)
Example 1.
- We tag 1,000,000 images
- The cost is $10,000
- You choose 10 possible words, for example:
1. Auto
2. Careers
3. Entertainment
4. Politics
5. Insurance
6. Personal Finance
7. Communications
8. Travel
9. Food
10. Sports
Example 2
- We tag 500,000 images
- The cost is $10,000
- You choose 20 possible words, for example:
1. Auto
2. Careers
3. Entertainment
4. Politics
5. Insurance
6. Personal Finance
7. Communications
8. Travel
9. Food
10. Sports
11. Finance
12. Games
13. Jobs
14. Movies
15. Personals
16. Shopping
17. Sports
18. Weather
19. Miscellaneous
20. Porn
Other Packages.
As the dictionary gets larger, the tagging complexity increases, so the cost goes up a bit.
The demo consists of:
- We tag 1,000 images;
- The cost is $1;
- You choose 2 possible words.