Predictor™   order now!

Making decisions based on your projection of the future events is a way of life. Attrasoft Predictor is a fast data processing tool for your database. It uses a sequence of numbers to predict the next row of numbers in line. It uses historical data to predict future possibilities. It does not matter what you want to predict.

How to make a Prediction

PredictorPro™    order now!

Making decisions based on your projection of the future events is a way of life. Attrasoft PredictorPro is a fast data processing tool for your database. It uses a sequence of numbers to predict the next row of numbers in line. It uses historical data to predict future possibilities. It does not matter what you want to predict. Predictor processes 10,000 lines of data; PredictorPro processes 100,000 lines of data.

DecisionMaker™    order now!

Attrasoft DecisionMaker can:

How to make a Prediction

1. Organize your data in a spreadsheet.

2. Start Predictor or PredictorPro.

3. Click the Input button.

Now click "Edit/Clear All" to get rid of old data:

4. Enter Data.

4.1 Enter the number of columns.

Assume our problem has 3 columns, then enter:


4.2 Cut & Paste the data.

Click the "Save" button to save the data.

5. Predict.

Click menu item "Integer/+ Linear".

You will get the results:

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