FlashFinderLite for Windows
Version 2010.0
Attrasoft FlashFinderLite
matches a newly obtained video clip (*.flv) against a pre-established library
of video clips (*.flv). Attrasoft FlashFinderLite verifies the copyright
information of a newly obtained video clip by matching it against a pre-established
library of video clips.
FlashFinderLite searches 100,000
video clips per second or 100,000 hours of videos clips per second, after key
fingerprinting and library fingerprinting.
Download FlashFinderLite Demo
Attrasoft, Inc.
P. O. Box
Savannah, GA.
Microsoft Windows
Copy/Unzip the files to a folder, c:\flvfinderlite2010\,
and click flvfinder2010.exe to run.
P. O. Box
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Phone: (912) 484-1717
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In addition, this software is for the
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You cannot sell data or service based any computation results
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You cannot use the software to perform work for which you
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User’s Guide and Reference Manual is copyrighted by Attrasoft.
© Attrasoft 2004 – 2010
Software Requirements. 2
Installing the Software. 2
Information and Support 2
Statement of Copyright Restriction. 3
Table of Contents. 4
1. Introduction. 5
1.1 What is FlashFinderLite ?. 5
1.2 Fingerprint Concepts. 6
1.3 User Interface. 6
1.4 Supported Video Formats. 7
1.5 VideoFinder Family. 8
2. How to Use FlashFinderLite. 9
2.1 Introduction. 9
2.2 Video Matching. 9
2.3 Example. 12
2.4 Beginner Tool Bar 13
2.5 Output File. 14
3. Advanced Users. 15
3.1 Library Manual 15
3.2 Match Menu. 16
4 Q & A.. 18
5. Performance. 20
Attrasoft FlashFinderLite
matches a newly obtained video clip (*.flv) against a pre-established library
of video clips (*.flv). FlashFinderLite
searches 100,000 video clips per second or 100,000 hours of videos clips per
second, after key fingerprinting and library fingerprinting (Figure 1.1).
Figure 1.1 Attrasoft FlashFinderLite.
Figure 1.2 The “Search” Menu
and its menu items.
One application is to verify the copyright of a newly obtained
video clip by matching it against a pre-established library of video clips.
Another application is to collect statistics on TV advertisements after they
are saved to a video file.
To operate the software, you will learn six steps; all of them can be
found in the “Search” menu (Figure 1.2). This User’s Guide uses three examples
to demonstrate the basic operations.
The unique attributes of a video
clip – its “video fingerprint” - are used. The matching between a new video
clip and previously stored video clips is implemented via “Fingerprint”
matching, i.e. all videos must be converted into “fingerprints” first. A
library is a collection of previously stored fingerprints. The matching is done
via a new key fingerprint against a particular library.
You can have as many libraries as
you want. Before matching, you will need to select a library (or a set of
libraries) and load it to the Attrasoft FlashFinderLite;
then, you are ready to search.
The FlashFinderLite has
three video panels: ‘Key’, ‘Library’, and ‘Results’.
Figure 1.3 Three sections: ‘Key’, ‘Library’, and
‘Results’. The Key video panel is labeled by the ‘Key’ label.
A key is a newly
captured/obtained video clip. A set of Key videos are placed into a folder,
which will be selected via the “Key” button. Use the “Play” buttons next to the
label, ‘Key’, to play a video clip; this button will use your default Flash
video player.
Use the “Home”,
“=>”, and “<=” buttons to select a video clip in the folder. The “Home”
selects the first video in the folder; “=>” selects the next video in the
folder; and “<=” selects the previous video.
A library is a
collection of videos. Library videos are selected via the “1. Folders” button. Use
the “Play” buttons next to the label, ‘Library’, to play a video clip; this button
will use your default Flash video player.
Use the “Home”,
“=>”, and “<=” buttons to select a video clip in the folder. The “Home”
selects the first video in the folder; “=>” selects the next video in the
folder; and “<=” selects the previous video.
A result is a
collection of videos that have matched with the selected key. Result videos are
generated automatically by a video match. Use the “Play” buttons next to the
label, ‘Result’, to play a video clip; this button will use your default Flash
video player.
Use the “Home”,
“=>”, and “<=” buttons to select a video clip in the matched collections.
The “Home” selects the first matched video; “=>” selects the next matched
video; and “<=” selects the previous matched video.
Figure 1.4 Three Video Panels:
‘Key’, ‘Library’, and ‘Results’. The Library video panel is labeled by the
‘Library’ label.
FlashFinderLite supports *.flv file format only.
uses 32 bit computing; it can be run under a 64-bit computer as a 32-bit
supports both Video Recognition and Image Recognition. Attrasoft video
recognition family has several components. They support several main functions:
- Find a video
- Find a video frame
- Find an object within a video frame
- Find an object in a live video
The software components are:
- Attrasoft FlashFinderLite
- Attrasoft FlashFinder
- Attrasoft FrameFinder
- Attrasoft IFSurveillance
FlashFinderLite finds a video. Attrasoft FlashFinderLite treats a video file as
a single unit. The identification is performed at the video level, i.e. given
video 1 and video 2, do they match?
FlashFinder finds a frame. Attrasoft FlashFinder treats a video frame as a
single unit. The identification is performed at the video frame level, i.e.
given video frame 1 and video frame 2, do they match?
FrameFinder finds a frame containing an object. Attrasoft
FrameFinder treats a sub-frame as a single unit. The identification is
performed at the sub-frame level, i.e. given an image, will it be inside the
video somewhere?
IFSurveillance finds an object in a live video.
video codec decoders are:
these two decoders, the majority of video codecs are supported. If your video
codec is not included, a customization has to be done to bridge the gap between
Attrasoft and the video codec vendor.
VideoFinder and VideoFinderLite uses DirectShow, while FlashFinder and FlashFinderLite
uses FFMpeg.
API information can be found in the Q & A section.
The unique attributes of a video
clip (its “video fingerprint”) are used for video matching. The matching
between a new video clip and previously stored video clips is implemented via
“Fingerprint” matching, i.e. all videos must be converted into “fingerprints”
first. A library is a collection of previously stored fingerprints. The
matching is done via a new key fingerprint against a particular library.
The FlashFinderLite has six
steps. Two steps deal with inputs: you will select a new video to match a
folder of videos; you will enter the new video folder and the library folder.
Two steps deal with fingerprinting: you will convert a new video file into a
video fingerprint and convert a folder of videos into a video fingerprint
library, which is a file. You will need to load a library file (or files) and
make a 1: N matching.
Initially, the operation will
consist of the following six steps for video matching:
Select Library ("1..." button)
Get Library fingerprints ("2..." button)
Load Library ("3..." button)
Select Key ("4..." button)
Create Key fingerprint ("5..." button)
1:N Matching ("6..." button)
Later, you do not have to create
a library each time:
Load Library ("3..." button)
Select Key ("4..." button)
Create Key fingerprint ("5..." button)
1:N Matching ("6..." button)
If you use the same library,
after loading once, you can make searches:
Select Key ("4..." button)
Create Key fingerprint ("5..." button)
1:N Matching ("6..." button)
The procedure is:
1. Select Library
("1..." button)
A video clip is
converted into a video clip fingerprint. A
set of video clip fingerprints forms a library. A set of video clips will be
placed in a directory, and the
directory path will be entered into the FlashFinderLite, for example,
This step
selects a video clip directory. Dragging & dropping a folder into the
second text box will complete this step. This step can also be implemented by
“Search/1. Select A Folder” menu item, OR
"1. Folder" button.
The video clips
in the selected directory will be displayed in the second picture box (labeled
‘Lib(rary)’). Use the “Play” buttons to play the video clip.
Use the “Home”
button to select the First video in the directory; use the “=>” button to
select the next video clip; and use the “<=” button to select the previous
video clip.
Figure 2.1
Step 1, Select Library (Source button).
2. Create Fingerprint Library
("2..." button)
This step
converts all video clips in the selected directory into fingerprints and saves
them to the file, “a1.txt”. This step is implemented by clicking:
“Search/2. Create Fingerprint Library (.\datat\a1.txt)”
menu item, OR
“2. Library” button.
3. Load Library ("3..."
Before matching,
you will need to select a library and load it to the FlashFinderLite. This step
is implemented by clicking:
“Search/3. Load Fingerprint Library” menu item, OR
“3. Load” menu item.
Figure 2.2
Step 3, Select Key (Key button).
4. Select Key ("4..."
A key is a newly
obtained video clip. The video clip is converted into a fingerprint. To select
a key, put all of the videos you want to search into a folder, drag & drop
the folder into the first
text box and select a file in this key folder. This step can also be
implemented by clicking:
“Search/4. Select Key” menu item, OR
“4. Key” button.
The video clips
in the selected directory will be displayed in the first picture box (labeled
‘Key’). Use the “Play” buttons to play the video clip.
Use the “Home”
button to select the First video in the directory; use the “=>” button to select the next video clip; and use the “<=” button to select the
previous video clip.
Note: all of the
key videos are in a single folder; this allows you to search multiple videos
quickly. To search a particular video, you have to use “=>” button and
“<=” button to find the one before converting it to fingerprint. For
example, you want to search a.flv, b.flv, and c.flv, you will:
place all three files (a.flv, b.flv, and c.flv)
in a folder, c:\temp\;
drag & drop “C:\temp\” into the first text
use “=>” button to find b.flv.
5. Create Key fingerprint
("5..." button)
step converts a key video clip into a fingerprint. This step is implemented by clicking:
“Search/5. Key Fingerprinting” menu item, OR
“5. Finprt” button.
This step will
convert the current video in the key folder into a key fingerprint.
6. 1:N Matching ("6..."
Matching” (read as 1 to N matching) compares “1” (i.e., the new video clip)
with “N”
the previously stored video clips). This
step is implemented by clicking:
“Search/6. Search” menu item, OR
“Search” button.
The 1:N matching
results are also displayed in the third picture box (labeled ‘Results’). Use the “Play” buttons to play the video
Use the “Home”
button to select the first matched video; use the “=>” button to select the
next matched video clip; and use the “<=” button to select the previous
matched video clip.
Figure 2.3
Step 6, 1:N Matching.
In this section, we will use the
several Video Clips. The stored data used in this section is in folder,
.\ test0 \
where “.\” is the folder where
the software is installed. The 1:N match compares a newly obtained fingerprint with
all video fingerprints in a1.txt.
1. Select Library
("1..." button)
Drag & drop
“.\test0\” folder into the second text box.
2. Get Library fingerprints
("2..." button)
Click the “2 …”
button; the results will be saved to “.\data\a1.txt” automatically.
3. Load Library ("3..."
Click the “3 …”
button to load the library, “.\data\a1.txt”.
4. Select Key ("4..."
Drag & drop
“.\test0\” folder into the first text box. By default, the first file in this
folder is chosen; you can select any file in this folder as a search key.
5. Create Key fingerprint
("5..." button)
Click the “5 …”
button; the key fingerprint will be saved internally. You can also save the
results by clicking Match/Key Fingerprinting (key.txt), followed by clicking
“Match/1:N Matching (Key.txt : Library)” in step 6.
6. 1:N Matching ("6..."
Click the “6 …”
button to make a 1:N match, See Figure 2.4.
Figure 2.4 Step 6, 1:N
Matching Text File Output.
The toolbar duplicates the
Beginner menu (Figure 2.5).
Figure 2.5 The Beginner Tool
The output format is a table:
ID Name Path Length Score Start Length
The output file can be opened
anytime by menu item, “Search/Output”. We will use an example to show these
Example. Assume “key.flv” is
match with “c:\abc\def\xyz0001.flv”, then
Key File name without “.flv”,
Key file name, xyz0001.flv
file path, c:\abc\def\
Video length in integer seconds.
Matching score in [0, 100].
Start of matching position in seconds;
at this point, key.flv matches xyz0001.flv.
Length of matched
3.1 Library Manual
Figure 3.1 Library Menu.
Before matching, you will need to select a library and load
it to the Attrasoft FlashFinderLite. The library to be loaded can be a single
file, or several files in a folder.
The single file library to be loaded is fixed to the file:
--- first library to be loaded.
--- after initial loading, an additional library can be loaded.
The multiple file libraries to be loaded are fixed to the
--- first several libraries to be loaded.
--- after initial loading, additional libraries can be loaded.
where ".\" is the folder where the FlashFinderLite
is located.
You can have as many library files as you want in these two
folders, .\data\lib1\ and .\data\lib2\. You will need to manually place files
into these folders. You will need to manage the video fingerprint library files
yourself via Windows Explorer.
Create Initial Library (.\data\a1.txt)
Use this menu
item to create a fingerprint library from a folder of videos, and save it to
Create Additional Library (.\data\a2.txt)
Use this menu
item to create a fingerprint library from a folder of videos, and save it to “.\data\a2.txt”.
Load Initial Library (.\data\a1.txt)
Use this
menu item to load the library file, “.\data\a1.txt”.
Load Additional Library (.\data\a2.txt)
Use this
menu item to load the library file, “.\data\a2.txt”, on top of ".\data\a1.txt".
Load Libraries (.\data\lib1\*.txt)
Use this
menu item to load all library files in ".\data\lib1\".
Load Additional Libraries (.\data\lib2\*.txt)
Use this
menu item to load all library files in ".\data\lib2\", on top of
existing loaded libraries.
Figure 3.2 Match Menu.
Match Menu makes 1:1, 1:N, and M:N matching.
Match/1:1 Matching (Current Key vs. Current Lib)
Use this menu
item to make a “1:1 Matching”, the current video in the Key folder vs. the current
video in the Library folder. This command will (1) compute the fingerprint of
the key video, (2) compute the fingerprint of the selected video in the library
folder, and (3) make a 1:1 match between the two fingerprints.
Match/1:N Matching (Key vs. Loaded Library)
Use this menu
item to make a “1:N Matching” (read as 1 to N matching). “1:N Matching”
compares “1” (i.e., the current video clip in Key folder) with “N” (i.e., the
loaded library of video clips).
This menu
item requires:
Fingerprint Library(s) is already loaded;
(2) Newly
captured video is already converted into a fingerprint.
Match/M:N Matching (a2.txt vs. Loaded Library)
Use this menu
item to make a “M:N Matching” (read as M to N
matching). “M:N Matching” compares “M” (i.e., all of the video clips in a2.txt)
with “N” (i.e., the loaded library of video clips).
menu item requires:
Fingerprint Library(s) is already loaded;
(2) Newly
captured video is already converted into a fingerprint library, a2.txt, via
menu item, "Library/Create Additional Library (.\data\a2.txt)".
Match/Key Fingerprinting
Use this menu
item to convert a key video clip into a fingerprint and save it to ".\data\key.txt".
This will avoid computing the same key fingerprint over and over again.
Match/1:N Matching (Key.txt :
Use this menu
item to make a “1:N Matching” (read as 1 to N matching). “1:N Matching”
compares the saved key fingerprint ("key.txt") with “N” (i.e., the
loaded library of video clips).
What Codecs does the VideoFinder family support?
Attrasoft VideoFinder and
VideoFinderLite uses DirectShow, while FlashFinder and FlashFinderLite uses
Does it support 64-bit Windows?
It will run under 64-bit Windows as
a 32 bit application.
What are “Signature” and "Fingerprint"
For a video frame or an image, the
unique attributes of an image frame ( its “signature” ) are compared
against a library of signatures that have been prepared earlier.
For a video file, the unique
attributes of a video file ( its “fingerprint”) are
compared against a library of fingerprints that have been prepared earlier.
How to get Cost and Support?
Contact .
Are there any API's ?
Yes, the basic API (Microsoft
Visual Studio Class Library) is easy to use.
The following is a
FlvFinder example:
Get one fingerprint so it can be
matched against a library:
videoFingerPrint = myObject.getFingerPrint
( fileName);
Create fingerprints for all videos
in a folder for the initial library:
(folderName, outputTextFilename);
Load a video fingerprint library so
this library can be used:
( filename); //Load 1 file
( foldername); //Load many files
Make a 1:N
myResults = myObject.findmatch1N (videoFingerPrint);
Library maintenance for a single
Library maintenance for multiple
Objects used are declared as
videoFingerPrint; // video fingerprint
myResults; // 1:N Matching result
myObject; // main object
The software performance
parameters are:
Fingerprinting speed:
every 3 hours of video takes 1 hour to fingerprint.
size: every hour of video takes 200 KB.
Search speed:
100,000 video clips per second or 100,000 hours of video after key
fingerprinting is completed.
Accuracy: if the
unknown video is in the library, the rate is 100% with a matching score of 100.
A matching score of 80 or above will have 100% accuracy.
Distortion: The Lite version allows for small
distortions by saving one video format into another format.
Video Codec
Variation: Different video codecs are allowed.
Shortest length:
This version limit is 15 seconds, although a customized FlashFinder
can find a single frame in 1/30 of a
Customization: Contact
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