About VideoFinder
VideoFinder is Attrasoft's solution for video content owners and users. It enables video content owners such as:
media companies
production studios
video distributors
to fingerprint, detect, and measure their video content as it appears on a variety of online sites.
VideoFinder takes inputs from video libraries and enables fast, easy creation of a video fingerprint library. The fingerprints in the library are then compared to fingerprints of videos pulled down from the web. Matches are presented side-by-side, along with their accuracy score, for verification and/ or further investigation
Uses for the VideoFinder solution are:
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For more information, contact gina@attrasoft.com:
VideoFinder is a Windows application.
VideoFinder eliminates the descriptive video word tagging process, which is used in the video identification process today.
Reduces your manual video search personnel by 90%.
Reduces the time required by the user to do the same image search with word descriptions by 50 % or more.
Eliminates the manual video tagging process by 99% or more.
Reduces user search time from 5 - 10 minutes to 5 - 60 seconds, which can increase productivity for companies where video search is critical. This is the result of razor sharp focus of video identification.
Provides for a wide range of applications for any video search need.
Gives confidence scores to aid user discernment of exact and similar matches.
Uses patent-pending algorithms to compare images to images without text descriptions.
Solves video tagging problems such as inaccurate tags, mislabeled tags, lacking proper details, and other human errors.
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