25.4 Execution Code
About1 Introduction2 Image Recognition3 TransApplet4 API5 Interface6 Input7 Image Display8 Preprocessing9 Processing10 Normalization11 Parameter Class12 Image Signatures13 Unsupervised Filters14 BioFilters15 NeuralFilters16 Dynamic Library17 NeuralNet Filter18 Parameters19 Input Options20 Database Input21 Video Input22  Live Video Input23  Counting & Tracking24  Counting 25  Batch Job26 ImageFinder for DOS27 ImageHunt 28 Support Packages

25.1  Batch Code 
25.2  Sample Files 
25.3 Batch Design 
25.4 Execution Code 
25.5 API 
25.6 Implementation 
[Home][25 Batch Job][25.4 Execution Code]


25.4   Batch Execution Code


Figure 25.2   Execution Code Window.

There are many commands in the ImageFinder. Each command has an integer for identification. This integer is called Batch Execution Code. The “Batch/Run” command uses this code to run the command specified by the batch file.

To find the batch code for each command, click:

            Batch/Set Execution Code

You will see a textbox and the following codes:

        1001    Unsupervised Matching 1:N

        1002    Unsupervised Matching N:N

        1003    Unsupervised Matching N:M2


        2001    BioFilter_Matching 1:N

        2002    BioFilter_Matching N:N

        2003    BioFilter_Matching N:M2

        2004    BioFilter_Matching N:M3

        2005    BioFilter_Matching N:M4


        3001    NeuralFilter_Matching 1:N

        3002    NeuralFilter_Matching N:N

        3003    NeuralFilter_Matching N:M2

        3004    NeuralFilter_Matching N:M3

        3005    NeuralFilter_Matching N:M4


        4001    NeuralNet_Matching 1:N

        4002    NeuralNet_Matching N:N

The current batch code is the code of the last run. When the software started, the current batch code is 1001. To change it:

  •    Click Batch/Set Execution Code;
  •    Enter the Batch Execution Code to the text box and click the “OK” button.

You can also make changes directly in the batch files. The batch files are abm70.txt, abm70_2.txt, abm70_3.txt, abm70_4.txt, abm70_5.txt.


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