Main Services
1. �I need a different or better version of this picture.� Find same image with preferred resolution, coloring (sepia), cropping, etc.
2. �I wonder who took my picture off of Facebook and has posted it.� Find same or similar image of a person to meet ego or other needs. May be offered as a feature from Facebook, iPhone, Twitter, etc.
1. Identifying copyrighted material usage and compliance.
2. Monitoring online popularity. Companies that manage or track positive and negative images of celebrities (pictures), music (DVD covers), movies, books, etc. can now track quantity and location of images online.
1. This is a huge solution for internal company or government databases. Corporations, content owners, law firms, state agencies need an automated solution to quickly identify an image from their database, such as graphs, charts, engineering/architectural designs, trademarks, patent drawings, maps, ads, copyrighted images, etc.
2. Content producers and content owners need Attrasoft to efficiently:
- Detect piracy
- Monitor compliance with license agreements
- Audit revenue sharing arrangements
- Monetize content
- Monitor and track distribution
In addition, sites that enable Internet users to post image and video content need Attrasoft to :
- Protect their organization from litigation
- Monitor compliance with license agreements
- Be good stewards of copyrighted content in order to gain
further agreements with content owners