27.6 Step 1
About1 Introduction2 Image Recognition3 TransApplet4 API5 Interface6 Input7 Image Display8 Preprocessing9 Processing10 Normalization11 Parameter Class12 Image Signatures13 Unsupervised Filters14 BioFilters15 NeuralFilters16 Dynamic Library17 NeuralNet Filter18 Parameters19 Input Options20 Database Input21 Video Input22  Live Video Input23  Counting & Tracking24  Counting 25  Batch Job26 ImageFinder for DOS27 ImageHunt 28 Support Packages

27.1  Why ImageHunt? 
27.2  Design 
27.3 Web Server 
27.4 Install 
27.5 Web Project 
27.6 Step 1 
27.7 Step 2 
27.8 Step 3 
27.9 DOS Class 
27.10 Step 4 
[Home][27 ImageHunt ][27.6 Step 1]


27.6   Step 1. Open Image File


27.6.1   Create the Data Directory

After you create the application, you create the Data directory that will accept uploaded files. After you create this directory, you must also set write permission for the ASPNET worker account. In the Solution Explorer window of Visual Studio .NET, right-click the ASP.Net project, point to Add, and then click New Folder to create a folder,  “Data”.


27.6.2   Modify the WebForm1.aspx Page

To modify the HTML code of the WebForm1.aspx file to permit users to upload files, follow these steps:

1. In the WebForm1.aspx Designer window, right-click WebForm1.aspx and select View HTML Source.


2. Locate the following HTML code, which contains the:




3. Replace it as follows:

        <form id="Form1" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" runat="server">

        <INPUT type=file id=File1 name=File1 runat="server" />



4. Run and test it.

This html code simply opens an Open File Dialog so Users can select a key image.


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