20.5 Input Implementation
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20.1  Access Class 
20.2  Input Class 
20.3 Input Selection 
20.4 Parameter Input 
20.5 Input Implementation 
20.6 Testing 
[Home][20 Database Input][20.5 Input Implementation]


20.5   Database Input Implementation

The database input is implemented by the following codes:

        internal string dbmsSQL ="NA";

            internal void setSQL (string s)


                dbmsSQL = s;


            internal string getSQL ()


                return dbmsSQL ;



            private bool searachSource4 ()




        //Step 1. Database file

                if ( f.openFileDialog1.ShowDialog () != DialogResult.OK )

                    return false;

                string sDBMS =  f.openFileDialog1.FileName  ;

                f.textBox2.Text = sDBMS ;


                // Step 2. SQL Statement

                string sQuery ="";

                Parameter_DbmsInput pd = new Parameter_DbmsInput (this, 0);

                pd.ShowDialog ();

                sQuery = getSQL ();

                f.richTextBox1.AppendText ( "Database: " +sDBMS +"\n" );

                f.richTextBox1.AppendText ( "Query: " + sQuery +"\n" );


        //Step 3. Database Input

                this.imageAbsoultePath = script.input.getAccessList  (sDBMS, sQuery);

                if ( imageAbsoultePath  == null )



                    f.richTextBox1.AppendText ( "Data Source fails!\n");

                    return false;



                catch (Exception e )


                    f.richTextBox1.AppendText ( e.ToString () +"\n" );

                    return false;



                return true;



            private bool searachSource5 ()




Now we briefly explain the code:

  •    The code in section �Step 1. Database file� will get a Microsoft Access file.
  •    The code in section �Step 2. SQL Statement� will get the SQL statement. Here class, �Parameter_DbmsInput�, will produce Figure 20.1, which will call function, �setSQL (string s)�, to set the SQL statement.
  •    The code in section �Step 3. Database Input� will enter the two parameters (Access file and SQL statement) into the Input class; and retrieve the image list from the database. This is similar to other input options. The result is a string list and each string is a path of an image.  

The implementation, searchSource5 (), for the Access Segment is similar.


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